
Ask My Fiancé To Call Me In Early: How About No.

This is happening right now! My fiance and I work at the same retail business. We are both managers of different sections (think back of house [him] vs front and center [me]). Our store managers have TERRIBLE habits of trying to force us to “correct” eachother's “behavior”, and have us call eachother to ask for favors for the store. I have told my fiance to never follow through and have them directly call us and disencourage them from this phone tagging scheme. Not even an hour ago, they had him call me to come in at 1p, whereas I'm scheduled at 4p, because they want me to cover my worker's lunch and get overtime, which they think ill be grateful for (I am NOT). To give a better idea as to how royally screwed my department is this week here's a small breakdown of my team: Me (manager) Dept. 1…

This is happening right now!

My fiance and I work at the same retail business. We are both managers of different sections (think back of house [him] vs front and center [me]).

Our store managers have TERRIBLE habits of trying to force us to “correct” eachother's “behavior”, and have us call eachother to ask for favors for the store. I have told my fiance to never follow through and have them directly call us and disencourage them from this phone tagging scheme.

Not even an hour ago, they had him call me to come in at 1p, whereas I'm scheduled at 4p, because they want me to cover my worker's lunch and get overtime, which they think ill be grateful for (I am NOT). To give a better idea as to how royally screwed my department is this week here's a small breakdown of my team:

Me (manager)
Dept. 1 – 2/3 are out
Dept. 2 – 3/4 are out

So out of 8 people, 5 are out. And this is to cover two seperate departments that are NOT supposed to overlap one another. I have 1 full and 1 part timer for each department.

In order to keep things afloat and not burn myself out, I split my shifts up into 5 hr blocks to cover the random spots necessary to keep my departments, at minimum, manned with a body. However, this also means I am not there for lunch coverage for the only other full timer I have. Mind you, only another manager can cover their lunch! Hence, they're trying to get me to go in early because the other managers are getting annoyed at having to cover for us (to bad, it's policy).

So, here is me asking you lovely redditors:
I already said no, should I just call out? 🤔

I'm pretty over this job and am actively looking for a new one. Might as well right?

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