
Asked for 3 days, was given 2, now had my hours cut to only 1 shift per week for calling out

Hi all, need some advice here. I am a graduate student with a very full course/study load. This summer, I was working full-time at a sleezy mom and pop resort masquerading as a $500/night beautiful hotel. A lot of stuff they do there is questionable, if you're interested I can explain more. Recently, school started back up again. I asked to be cut from 5 days a week to 3, but they initially only gave me 2. Now, after my 3rd call out (with a note each time) in 5 months, they have cut me down to one shift per week. I could barely afford my bills with 2 days, and with only 1, I will not be able to survive. Obviously I need to find a new job, but my question is this: should I just quit and not go to my shift tonight? I am still sick a…

Hi all, need some advice here.

I am a graduate student with a very full course/study load.

This summer, I was working full-time at a sleezy mom and pop resort masquerading as a $500/night beautiful hotel. A lot of stuff they do there is questionable, if you're interested I can explain more.

Recently, school started back up again. I asked to be cut from 5 days a week to 3, but they initially only gave me 2. Now, after my 3rd call out (with a note each time) in 5 months, they have cut me down to one shift per week.

I could barely afford my bills with 2 days, and with only 1, I will not be able to survive.

Obviously I need to find a new job, but my question is this: should I just quit and not go to my shift tonight? I am still sick a week later and was going to push myself to go in, but now I feel as if my time would be better spent at home. I do have some money saved up to get me through until student loan refunds get dispersed. They promised a bonus (idk how much though) if I stayed until October 15th, but I don't even know how much it is, and if it's only $50 or something stupid I definitely don't care about coming back next year.

I love my coworkers, it's just a very stressful job due to all the problems the resort has because of its lack of upkeep.

What would you do? Stick it out until October 15th? Ask your boss how much the bonus is? Quit before your scheduled work time of 2pm today?

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