
Asked manager for help and he told me to figure it out

I started a new job in tech and I asked my manager a question about something and he told me “I’m not trying to be rude but you’re in IT…figure it out”. I’ve only been working at the company for literally 3 days. Each company is different and how I did something at my previous company could be different at another, which is why I asked first to be sure. I took this as being rude because it’s not like I was asking endless amounts of questions. I’m new and untrained to the company’s way of doing things so I asked and got immediately shut down which makes me not want to ask for help anymore and it also makes me feel like crap. The first time I asked if their company does something a specific way he asked what my previous company did which I told him and he…

I started a new job in tech and I asked my manager a question about something and he told me “I’m not trying to be rude but you’re in IT…figure it out”. I’ve only been working at the company for literally 3 days. Each company is different and how I did something at my previous company could be different at another, which is why I asked first to be sure. I took this as being rude because it’s not like I was asking endless amounts of questions. I’m new and untrained to the company’s way of doing things so I asked and got immediately shut down which makes me not want to ask for help anymore and it also makes me feel like crap.

The first time I asked if their company does something a specific way he asked what my previous company did which I told him and he said he didn’t know and told me to do whatever. If I actually do whatever such as bill an item to the wrong cost center for my equipment I get in trouble. So I feel like I’m being thrown under the bus and publicly embarrassed for asking my manager something as a new hire and if he doesn’t know he either tells me to do what I want or blames it on me as if I’m incompetent. He acts like he is annoyed and doesn’t even want to work there himself and is trying to just fly under the radar.

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