
asked to come in to close after being fired

to preface, my hours had been cut at this job to 3 days a week because of labor and overstaffing. i had to pick up a second job in order to make a livable wage. i discussed this with my gm prior and got a new availability approved. we were talking about the upcoming schedule, and i asked if it would be possible if my shift wasn't a closing shift. no biggie either way, just asking if i was able to get off earlier since my second job starts at 4:30 am and i wouldn't get done closing until 12 am. i was then reprimanded for being “replaceable” and “fucking with the shift”, and fired. the gm said they were short staffed and needed people that could work more hours. which..i was doing 40-50 hours a week before my hours got cut because of labor….it's okay for them to cut…

to preface, my hours had been cut at this job to 3 days a week because of labor and overstaffing. i had to pick up a second job in order to make a livable wage. i discussed this with my gm prior and got a new availability approved. we were talking about the upcoming schedule, and i asked if it would be possible if my shift wasn't a closing shift. no biggie either way, just asking if i was able to get off earlier since my second job starts at 4:30 am and i wouldn't get done closing until 12 am. i was then reprimanded for being “replaceable” and “fucking with the shift”, and fired. the gm said they were short staffed and needed people that could work more hours. which..i was doing 40-50 hours a week before my hours got cut because of labor….it's okay for them to cut my hours, but when i cut my hours i get fired? mind you, this conversation is happening over text at 3 am the night before the shift. the day of the shift, one of the other managers texts me asking me if i was still coming in. uh, i got fired? so i don't think so? she said they needed a closer, so i told her they should have fired me after the shift if that was the case. she said i was “fired starting next week”. LOLOL. i've never in my life been PREEMPTIVELY FIRED….fired but expected to come work my shift the next day? if i'm so replaceable, find somebody else to close.

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