
Asking for advice and/or support re work situation

I posted this in another sub but posting here too to get another perspective. I work remotely. Not mentioned on my contract unfortunately. Anyway my employer is asking me to start working in person instead. I don't want that but they're kind of implying that they'd fire me if I didn't comply. They're saying I'm under preforming and the solution to that is to start working in person to get better guidance. This is the second time that they ask me to go in person, first time I refused. This job will be with young people, no one will be masking including staff and students, and it is very likely that I'll be pushed to remove my mask as that's what they did when I did the interview in person. Same employer initially asked me to work in person and I declined then they offered me remote work instead. Besides…

I posted this in another sub but posting here too to get another perspective.

I work remotely. Not mentioned on my contract unfortunately. Anyway my employer is asking me to start working in person instead. I don't want that but they're kind of implying that they'd fire me if I didn't comply. They're saying I'm under preforming and the solution to that is to start working in person to get better guidance. This is the second time that they ask me to go in person, first time I refused. This job will be with young people, no one will be masking including staff and students, and it is very likely that I'll be pushed to remove my mask as that's what they did when I did the interview in person. Same employer initially asked me to work in person and I declined then they offered me remote work instead.

Besides that, I made the mistake of explaining my personal reasons for possibly taking the day off, instead of just taking the day off, and they're using it against me. I basically had to accompany someone to the hospital, for an emergency, and because it was not a first degree relative, the supervisor pushed me to show up to work anyway and then gave me a lecture about it.

I'm just tired. I'm thinking of quitting but I don't have any other job opportunities. I don't know what to do.

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