
Asking the Anti-Work reddit for career tips? It’s more likely than you think.

So… I work in an arts/media industry, it's something I've always wanted to do since childhood! But, not only are the strikes and the current economic situation affecting us all horribly (art is one of the first things people stop investing in when times are rough and you can already feel it – there's no work suddenly), like pretty much any industry it's been a nightmare and I'm worried it's eroding/ruining my relationship to art. After only 5 years of working in it I'm dangerously close to really serious burnout, yet I thought I'd be doing this my whole life. But that's a whole other anti-work/anti-turning your passions into work thread for another time. Right now… I need to have other options. I may be out of work soon, and it might be for the best if I move away from this industry for a good while as well. The…

So… I work in an arts/media industry, it's something I've always wanted to do since childhood! But, not only are the strikes and the current economic situation affecting us all horribly (art is one of the first things people stop investing in when times are rough and you can already feel it – there's no work suddenly), like pretty much any industry it's been a nightmare and I'm worried it's eroding/ruining my relationship to art. After only 5 years of working in it I'm dangerously close to really serious burnout, yet I thought I'd be doing this my whole life. But that's a whole other anti-work/anti-turning your passions into work thread for another time.

Right now… I need to have other options. I may be out of work soon, and it might be for the best if I move away from this industry for a good while as well.

The only thing is, I have no idea where to go or what to do. I've made an appointment with a careers advisor but in this country (the UK) I have a feeling they'll most likely try to push me into one of the many industries that are horribly understaffed precisely because of reasons that get discussed on here quite a bit. Industries like healthcare, teaching, care. While I have nothing against them – all are jobs that actually have meaning and purpose, and some of them (especially teaching) are ones I know I could actually do a good job in… but I know the way the system here works, so I know all those fields would bleed me dry. I have had friends who've been in each of those sectors and have all run for the hills because they've all found their experiences so horrible. Teachers' strikes ended only recently, healthcare workers are still striking, for precisely those reasons. I recently got an e-mail from the careers advisor place advertising work for “women in rail”. Rail workers are also striking, so I find that… interesting.

Like I said, I'm really close to burnout and can't afford another job that takes over my life or subjects me to abuse (weird and unexpected for an art job but my first industry job featured a lot of gaslighting an emotional manipulation of all the juniors on behalf of our employer and I still deal with the fallout to this day). I'm going to get some advice from a professional but I'm scared of getting pushed into something that does more damage than good.

So… antiwork, what are your tips on finding something less traumatic. Dare I say… something secure? I know about “bullshit jobs” but I don't understand how people get into them. While I'd hate to do something that contributes nothing to society, those seem to be the most valued and secure jobs right now so maybe temporarily, it would help to land one of those. Any tips would be appreciated!

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