
Asshole boss(rant)

My boss is kind of an asshole. He always seems kinda pissed at me in general. He has a walrus mustache and I'm going to call him the walrus. On my second day of the job I was operating machinery for the first time and made a pretty major mistake. he said I can fire you with a days notice. I don't talk with him directly very often. over break he said something about how illegal immigrants were bringing bombs into America and Biden is letting them in so they can assassinate trump. Its very similar to the great replacement theory (see link below) and I lean pretty far to the left. I found that incredibly fucking racist and I am sure there will be more gems to come.

My boss is kind of an asshole. He always seems kinda pissed at me in general. He has a walrus mustache and I'm going to call him the walrus.

On my second day of the job I was operating machinery for the first time and made a pretty major mistake. he said I can fire you with a days notice.

I don't talk with him directly very often. over break he said something about how illegal immigrants were bringing bombs into America and Biden is letting them in so they can assassinate trump.

Its very similar to the great replacement theory (see link below) and I lean pretty far to the left. I found that incredibly fucking racist and I am sure there will be more gems to come.

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