
Assistant manager couldn’t handle her job

I quit a theater job abruptly and left the box office with no one to sell or take tickets in the middle of a busy shift. I had customers constantly swearing at me, threatening me, yelling and trying to intimidate me because they wouldn’t get their way. Every time I brought this up I was told by the general manager to just call up the assistant manager on duty. Well the two of them I worked with would roll their eyes at me, tell me to deal with it, or that they didn’t get paid enough to deal with it. I got paid $13 which is significantly less than what the assistant managers make. The last time it happened a customer said he was going to kick my ass because i couldn’t give him more of a discount. I called the assist. manager and she just rolled her eyes at…

I quit a theater job abruptly and left the box office with no one to sell or take tickets in the middle of a busy shift. I had customers constantly swearing at me, threatening me, yelling and trying to intimidate me because they wouldn’t get their way. Every time I brought this up I was told by the general manager to just call up the assistant manager on duty. Well the two of them I worked with would roll their eyes at me, tell me to deal with it, or that they didn’t get paid enough to deal with it. I got paid $13 which is significantly less than what the assistant managers make. The last time it happened a customer said he was going to kick my ass because i couldn’t give him more of a discount. I called the assist. manager and she just rolled her eyes at me again and told me to suck it up. One of the customers in line told her that what she said was unprofessional and the assist manager had the audacity to tell the customer she didn’t care. I finished the line of customers and another line started, this time all the way out the door. I took off my work shirt and told everyone in line I quit. Texted the GM “I quit” to be nice and that was it. Last I heard the general manager had to come in on his day off and calm things down because the customers were left there for almost 30 mins without a ticket taker and no manager came up to help or even noticed. Oh well.

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