
At 7 in the morning someone knocks on my door… Its my boss

He says “Hey Dude i have bad news. We had to let you go. Please give me your work laptop and your office key. We learned from our past experience, that its better to make it really quick without talking or anything. Its sad but you will get over it.” He hands me the canceled contract and leaves. Apparently the company lost a lot of money and has to let go many people especially the ones in trial period. Nobody warned me or said a single word. I was there for 5 months and my onboarding was already finished. My friends at work were extremely confused and sad. Im still getting paid for 2 weeks and then im jobless and need money from the government. Next week i would have vacation which i already paid for. I now have a gap in my resume because its impossible to find a…

He says “Hey Dude i have bad news. We had to let you go. Please give me your work laptop and your office key. We learned from our past experience, that its better to make it really quick without talking or anything. Its sad but you will get over it.” He hands me the canceled contract and leaves.

Apparently the company lost a lot of money and has to let go many people especially the ones in trial period. Nobody warned me or said a single word. I was there for 5 months and my onboarding was already finished. My friends at work were extremely confused and sad. Im still getting paid for 2 weeks and then im jobless and need money from the government.

Next week i would have vacation which i already paid for.

I now have a gap in my resume because its impossible to find a new job so quickly.

I lose a lot of money for basically no reason and if i didnt have savings i would lose my car and maybe more.

TRUST NOBODY and always have atleast 2 month worth of money in your Account for moments like these.

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