
At a crossroads

Hello! First time poster here. I am at a crossroads. I am 23 yrs old and enrolled myself in paralegal school, because I thought I would do well in law field, but without being an attorney. I already got my bachelor’s. I am about to finish paralegal school and I am currently working at a law firm…but it was at this job that I got to know that I may be wrong for this field in general. For starters, I have figured that I like to be up and around and not be stuck to a desk. I previously had a job as a social worker that made me constantly get up and talk to people. The happiest I have been in a job was being a food prep at my city’s zoo. Both of those jobs didn’t offer much money but 1 of them made me happy. Y’all seem…

Hello! First time poster here. I am at a crossroads. I am 23 yrs old and enrolled myself in paralegal school, because I thought I would do well in law field, but without being an attorney. I already got my bachelor’s. I am about to finish paralegal school and I am currently working at a law firm…but it was at this job that I got to know that I may be wrong for this field in general. For starters, I have figured that I like to be up and around and not be stuck to a desk. I previously had a job as a social worker that made me constantly get up and talk to people. The happiest I have been in a job was being a food prep at my city’s zoo. Both of those jobs didn’t offer much money but 1 of them made me happy. Y’all seem to have legit jobs and that seems great but I am at a loss on what to do with my life. or at least I want more time to figure out which job I want to settle for. Like I said, I am in paralegal school and I am about to finish BUT for my next job I want to make sure it is right for me. Would it be wrong or unwise to get a job in the food industry that has benefits and will tip well until I get a job that will be good for me? Oh by the way, I am feeling inadequate because I have bad ADHD that is untreated, I want to go to therapy and start medication and then probably? I will do better at being a paralegal. Has any of you doing something so erratic to accommodate your needs for the time being?

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