
At my former job, my boss would swim in his pool and have pool parties while employees were working. I quit on the spot with no notice.

Due to circumstances surrounding our work office flooding, the team was forced to relocate to the CEO's house as the “office space.” This was when I noticed the CEO would just swim in his pool all day, rarely engaging with his employees. He had several pool parties and blasted music while employees were working. Three weeks into this, I quit on the spot due to the utter disrespect and complete obliviousness of that moron. I'm now working with a good boss who respects my time.

Due to circumstances surrounding our work office flooding, the team was forced to relocate to the CEO's house as the “office space.” This was when I noticed the CEO would just swim in his pool all day, rarely engaging with his employees. He had several pool parties and blasted music while employees were working. Three weeks into this, I quit on the spot due to the utter disrespect and complete obliviousness of that moron. I'm now working with a good boss who respects my time.

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