
At what point did you realize that the company you work at is trash?

I have a corporate job. Today I had a sales training and we discussed our performance bonuses that have recently decreased. We've been told by our trainer that if we want to have higher bonuses, we should first increase our performance (by around 100%!!) so the company might notice that we do our best and MAYBE decide to pay us better. Am I exaggerating for thinking this is absolutely ridiculous? At this point I don't even care if they fire me for doing the bare minimum because I've lost respect for this company

I have a corporate job. Today I had a sales training and we discussed our performance bonuses that have recently decreased. We've been told by our trainer that if we want to have higher bonuses, we should first increase our performance (by around 100%!!) so the company might notice that we do our best and MAYBE decide to pay us better. Am I exaggerating for thinking this is absolutely ridiculous? At this point I don't even care if they fire me for doing the bare minimum because I've lost respect for this company

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