
At what point does tracking production numbers go too far?

A new manager in my warehouse production is big on number tracking. Previously, I was told that managers track numbers but as long as you’re working consistently through the day, they won’t be brought up (so your numbers are only brought up if you’re not working and they can see that through your numbers). Now the new manager has come in spouting he wants us to make 240-ish orders a day. That’s doable but he’s very aggressive about it. One of the leads he’s friendly with will yell (literally) at us if she sees us not working no matter the context. Today in our daily meeting he’s putting up or numbers basically comparing peoples’ productivity. No names were written down but there’s people making the suggested 240 and then others nearly doubling that. Comparing numbers just sits wrong with me and counting them in general as I work for a…

A new manager in my warehouse production is big on number tracking. Previously, I was told that managers track numbers but as long as you’re working consistently through the day, they won’t be brought up (so your numbers are only brought up if you’re not working and they can see that through your numbers).

Now the new manager has come in spouting he wants us to make 240-ish orders a day. That’s doable but he’s very aggressive about it. One of the leads he’s friendly with will yell (literally) at us if she sees us not working no matter the context.

Today in our daily meeting he’s putting up or numbers basically comparing peoples’ productivity. No names were written down but there’s people making the suggested 240 and then others nearly doubling that. Comparing numbers just sits wrong with me and counting them in general as I work for a health company that really should be focused on patient care over rate.

What should I be doing to protect myself now and when should I start worrying about things going too far in terms of micromanaging/being overworked. I should also mention that doing better than the rate doesn’t give you anything, you just made rate. There’s no incentive (company points, raise, etc.) behind offered for going above and beyond.

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