
At work situation has deteriorated

I have an okay paying job for my degrees and experience, but the work is not what it used to be. First, two people quit, one was replaced by an incompetent, the other is just gone. Over the last two years the nature of the work has changed to something I never really wanted to do, is intellectually deadening, and, worst, morally suspect. The boss has been taking projects that are doomed from the moment the incompetent guy starts them, but I’m the one ultimately responsible. I’m the one who gets chewed out by the clients (I don’t like the clients, they’re so demanding), and by my boss. The workload is too high and the mental charge is too much to keep track of the projects. The environment is toxic everyone is constantly yelling at each other. I applied for a dream job in November and had 4 interviews and…

I have an okay paying job for my degrees and experience, but the work is not what it used to be. First, two people quit, one was replaced by an incompetent, the other is just gone. Over the last two years the nature of the work has changed to something I never really wanted to do, is intellectually deadening, and, worst, morally suspect. The boss has been taking projects that are doomed from the moment the incompetent guy starts them, but I’m the one ultimately responsible. I’m the one who gets chewed out by the clients (I don’t like the clients, they’re so demanding), and by my boss. The workload is too high and the mental charge is too much to keep track of the projects. The environment is toxic everyone is constantly yelling at each other.
I applied for a dream job in November and had 4 interviews and they still haven’t given me a yes or no yet. It’s a government job, so I know they take forever, but…
I was stressed about that prospect for so long and hesitated on other things because I was almost sure I was going to get it. I have given up hope on that one, but if they called me tomorrow or a month from now I would absolutely take it.
I keep applying for other things but I never hear back, unless it’s an auto rejection.
I want to quit so bad but I need to pay the rent. I’ve got a kid to feed. I don’t know how much longer I can take this before I have a breakdown.

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