
Attention DETR Sufferers

A member of Nevada DETR Justice Facebook group shared a copy of his Federal Civil Rights Complaint based on violation of the 14th Amendment, Negligence, and Insurance Fraud. Federal suits need permission to proceed; they decide if you have cause for action or not. A Federal suit would focus on DETR violations and failures, you know accountability. DETR administrative processes focus on you and how to make everything your fault; they call the shots and State courts often give them a pass and ignore violations. Sign the petition and join Nevada DETR Justice for Federal Lawsuit resources.

A member of Nevada DETR Justice Facebook group shared a copy of his Federal Civil Rights Complaint based on violation of the 14th Amendment, Negligence, and Insurance Fraud. Federal suits need permission to proceed; they decide if you have cause for action or not. A Federal suit would focus on DETR violations and failures, you know accountability. DETR administrative processes focus on you and how to make everything your fault; they call the shots and State courts often give them a pass and ignore violations. Sign the petition and join Nevada DETR Justice for Federal Lawsuit resources.

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