
I got fired today for closing a deal at a 30% profit margin instead of 0%

Long story short, a part of my role should been to set these terms and I did have signature power for these contracts. An extrrnal advisor to the company was mad we were giving away our services, so I got fired. Good news though, today I paid off my car as well.


“With the labor day weekend coming up, just a reminder”

You ever get the mild threatening email from HR regarding your holiday pay if you choose to skip work. “Holiday pay will not be paid if the employee has an unexcused absence either the day before, or the day after the holiday” The more reminders I get the more I want to just say fuck it and call out anyway. I don’t need the holiday pay.


The owner just told me to ask another person to drop a shift so I can get insurance

I work for a smallish company, 75ish people depending on the time of year (tourist town), there are 5 different “businesses” under the umbrella of one company. There are only 2 employees that work in the “store” myself & 1 other. I live and work here full time. I have worked in the “store” section of the business longer than anyone else. I don't have enough hours to be on the insurance. I just asked if i could have an extra day b/c I have worked here longer and they said message the other coworker and tell her to give you one of her shifts. I desperately need insurance, but how is it my job to get someone to give up a shift? WTF do I do? There is no HR at this company


Small business, illegal labor practice, and the IRS

So if you like me have ever worked for a shitty small business that thinks they’re above the law you do have some options. I recently was laid off, even tho I’m a great employee based on a popularity contest. The owner knew what he did was wrong and this also happened after a death in my family which he knew about. But here’s the kicker: he was paying me cash under the table, not putting into workman’s comp or any of that. And I’m an educated person who is well aware of labor laws. I didn’t want to do it but I reported him to the IRS and state department of labor. Here’s what happens: If a business is making over 500k a year the IRS will actually do an audit and look into them. If they find they have not paid taxes you have a solid chance of…


Blackbird lays off 40+ employees, Including HW3 Lead Designer


Maybe the message is getting through..


Advice on putting in a notice

I currently work with a home health company, and I sit with an elderly person & one of his kids that live with him unless they’re at a doctors appointment. I’ve been here since June, before that I was a travel CNA but decided to take this job due to being close to home & the hours were stable. Travel CNA work obviously paid more, but shifts kept getting cancelled & I needed stable income for bills. I recently got an amazing job offer, 35 mins from my house, full time hours (I’ve only been working 25 hours a week), $6 more on the hour plus benefits & retirement. I’ve gotten close to the people I sit with so telling them is what I’m struggling with. I’ll have to send a notice to the company I work for, which I’m not worried about. The people I sit with always brag…


Fired over disability? What should I do.

I had just started work as a remote developer for Sedgwick Insurance on Cody Watkins team. I really enjoyed the job. I was progressing through training quicker than scheduled and getting along with my employees. I was completely blindsided! I have anxiety and adhd and with meds and therapy, everything usually goes fine however the second day, I passed out during a daily meeting. My heart rate rose to like 160 (at rest) and I blacked out. I told my manager what happened and that it was likely due to a combination of lack of food, sleep, working out, and then my meds not corresponding well with that mixture. I let him know that this was unusual and should never happen again. I stayed late and made it my mission to finish my first part of my training ahead of schedule to make up for it! Flash forward to Friday,…


secured job before graduation but still question my self because of my thick accent

hi everyone long time reader first time poster im currently questioning my self if this even constructive criticism from my boss so little bit information about me so im on my early 20s and english is my second language. I moved to Australia around when i was 15 years old and went on to finished highschool then gone straight to uni to study and bout to graduate soon. So here is the delima i work in small company like bout 10 people and one them is like me who been around Australia about 8 years and he came from non english country aswell. The problem is my boss have been commenting about my thick accent and i have been less than 8 months in the company this include the 3 month probationary period where at the end of this 3 month probationary period i asked him if he would like…


Raise got Denied

I’ve been working at this job for over a year now, one that I moved from ON to NS for (in less than a month). I’m a kinesiologist in a multidisciplinary clinic and I’m supposed to be working in a team of three (PT, PTA, Kin) but since hitting my one year mark we have lost the whole second team and the pta from our team. So for the past few months I have been doing both my job and most of the pta work. Though the physio and one of our RMT/PTA girls have def been helping out, a lot is on me. Especially since we lost our summer student who was helping when the split girl couldn’t. A new pta has been hired but not til mid September. Three weeks ago I requested a meeting with management and in the meeting said she’d talk to those she can…