LONG STORY SHORT!! I finally left my job for a better opportunity. The new job didn’t fall thru due to incorrect information that was provided to me via new boss. and now I do not have any income. I was wondering if I am eligible to get unemployment due to me voluntarily Leaving my old job for my new job.
Author: Olivia
I recently graduated with a bachelors degree in design this summer after 2 years waiting to get my disability diagnosed so they can waice the math to graduate. I got a job offer to work with autistic kids at a clinic with a therapist and would appreciate a reference United States based.
My bosses are made I am not misogynistic
So I am 6’4 dude bro. My department is jock/conservative and 90% male (industry is 82%). I am a new hire and I went to the chief and svp level to get career advice and asked for it from women I respect (outside my department). Word got around and now my bosses are throwing shade because I didnt set up meetings with the males despite the fact that within a department the mentorship aspect should be driven from the top employees (they should set up the meetings, not me) to the lower ones. Now they are trying to paint it as preying on the women (projection much?) when they all love dealing with me because I respect them and dont see them as a diversity hire. Got to love corporate, hey?
Why young people are quitting…
Yesterday my son resigned from his job at our local grocery store. He had been there 2 years, and finally couldn’t take it anymore. His management, made up of Gen X and boomers are absolutely horrible people. He gets called names like moron and idiot along with many other insults that stem from his appearance. So unprofessional and disgusting. He’s young, only 20, and never reported the behavior to anyone. He said “it’s not worth it because no one cares, they’re all like that”. He thinks that’s what the work culture is like, and just hopes maybe the next place he works is a bit kinder. What a sad a awful way to view the working world. I assured him that this isn’t normal and they should be reported to corporate and fired. I’m a manager and I would never talk to my staff or anyone like that. He’s had…
Overtime Request Before Vacation
I work as an assistant at a national NGO. One of my responsibilities was to implement all changes requested by French copy editors into this national document that is way past due. It’s been in the hands of so many translators and copy editors, it’s ridiculous! Earlier this year, I asked our CEO if I could take vacation to my home country for 4 weeks. He agreed to 2 weeks paid and 2 weeks unpaid. Cool. Yesterday, our copy editor emailed us an update saying she has about 20 pages left in the document. I emailed her back thanking her and letting her know she doesn’t need to rush as I will be working on it ONCE I’m back in the country early October from vacation. I thought it was fine as it won’t be released until late November. I received an email yesterday from my CEO asking me to…
I have been in training for a week. The new schedule just came out and I’m on call one day. In the morning meeting the boss mentioned if you are on call we will let you know by 9pm the night before. I most likely would not have taken the job because I don’t like putting my day on hold because I might get called in. I’m in Texas. What are my options?
Salaried and Burnt Out
Hi all you lovely Canadian workers. If you are a salaried professional, if you are temp, if you are contract, if you are a gig employee, if you are part time, if you are unemployed, this applies to you. For those of you who have not heard of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), I encourage you to Google it. They have made big changes fighing for workers and you don't have to be part of a union. They give you a leg to stand on. They make it so easy to stand up for what you believe in. Fifteen minutes of your time could pay you back in $ and hours.
I got hired because of chicken wings
So Very quick one for you, when I was an intern the team went out for a meal to a place know for their chicken wings but because we were all in suits/wings are messy no one ordered them. A table of like 16 people, everyone ordered things you could eat with a knife and fork. I knew after like an hour that this wasn’t the career I wanted so I didn’t particularly care what these people thought of me so when I who was last to order, was asked what I was having, I said I’ll actually go for the wings and one of their nice beers, can’t remember which beer. Everyone e else had either ordered wine or a soft drink. Cue the guy next to me saying actually I’ll have the same, that sounds amazing! Every single person at the table of 16 cancelled their order saying…
I got hired because of chicken wings
So Very quick one for you, when I was an intern the team went out for a meal to a place know for their chicken wings but because we were all in suits/wings are messy no one ordered them. A table of like 16 people, everyone ordered things you could eat with a knife and fork. I knew after like an hour that this wasn’t the career I wanted so I didn’t particularly care what these people thought of me so when I who was last to order, was asked what I was having, I said I’ll actually go for the wings and one of their nice beers, can’t remember which beer. Everyone e else had either ordered wine or a soft drink. Cue the guy next to me saying actually I’ll have the same, that sounds amazing! Every single person at the table of 16 cancelled their order saying…
Not specifically work-related and may belong in a different sub. Since I was in middle school, there has been a cute little family-owned ice cream shop in my hometown with adorable branding and delicious flavors. I have always loved this shop, though it's a bit pricey, and always took people there if they were visiting town or had just never been. I have since moved away, but an old coworker of mine apparently has had multiple bad experiences with the shop. I'm not sure if the bad experiences were due to cross-contamination as she is very intolerant to dairy, or if it was bad customer service, etc. Whatever it was, she and her boyfriend left 1-star reviews. He left one, and a month later supposedly after their second poor experience, she left a second one. You are absolutely allowed to leave bad reviews if you have a bad experience. That's…