
Kim Kardashian says you’re not working hard enough. Kim Kardashian should SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Don’t forget. To them, you are a disposable resource and you cost more the longer you live.




Conducting a little test at work to see how little I can get done without being noticed

Got pissed off at a 20 cent raise in January, wanted to see what I could do to get back silently. So the past month I've started doing the bare minimum work. Now my situation is weird because I am in quality control and don't necessarily have a “boss” that's within my field so people usually leave me be. I work directly with production side of the company so my presence is usually felt doing checks as soon as its ready. Instead of staying on the floor all day now I just stay in my office and only pop out to show my face randomly, catch up and then go back. Some days I'll spend 8 hours of my 10hr day in my small office watching YouTube videos and bullshitting. Now when I'm need I absolutely do not shy away from the work but it's just not all day anymore.…


Some humor


“InFlaTioN iS tEmpOraRy”


UPDATE to my post from yesterday – I quit my job.


Harassment from my 90yo boss who is also the owner of company. What do I do now??? Plz help!


I don’t belong here

I have no idea why I'm here in this sub group but man if I ever don't belong somewhere! Hoo-boy! I have to say as a Gen X'er, I've been worried you youngins would be competition for work as I aged but after reading your thoughts and learning about your poor attitudes and shitty work ethic these past few days, I can see I have nothing to worry about whatsoever. The whole country has plenty to worry about once my generation dies off, though. We are the last of the ass busters. Last round of hard asses before you participation trophy folks came along. Good luck; you're gonna need it, snowflakes.


Everyone Wants to Rule the World

Having read through this, some of you have had actually bad experiences and you have my pity. The rest of these posts just seem to be twisted bitter souls whining about how dare anyone be doing better than them financially. Whole subreddit filled with people who want to be CEOs and paid for doing nothing while minging about anyone actually trying to earn an income.