
This poor woman fell asleep standing up at her work. People are laughing and joking about it but it honestly makes me really sad :/


I worked harder for minimum wage than any other wage I’ve received in my life.

When I was studying I worked part time at a local supermarket. I took a semester off to reevaluate what I wanted to study and ended up working full time at the supermarket for 6 months. The work was literally backbreaking, I worked from 6am till 4pm each day, 5 days a week. When I got to work I spent the first two hours packing the shelves, which had to be done by the time the store opened at 8pm. Then, the rest of the day I would drag pallets of stock out into the aisles and using a ladder carry the boxes up onto the 'picking face' (stock was kept on top of the shelves in the aisles). Every day was deja vu, I had a boss who monitored us on the cameras to make sure we were working non-stop and not talking to colleagues. Our breaks were strickly…


Reason #5837372 why AI is dumb for hiring processes.


I don’t aim to be a billionaire. Not even a millionaire. I just want to live comfortably.

I want to own my own home, no mortgage, no hoa. I DO want to work, but not something that breaks me down physically or mentally. I don't want to work long stupid fuckin hours. I don't want to work five days of the week. I want to be able to afford to go on vacation once or twice a year. I want to be able to retire early, like in my late 40's – early 50's. I don't want to worry about how decisions of my bosses or government will affect my life. I don't want to deal with shitty people including customers, neighbors, co-workers, family. I don't want to buy two sets of clothing just because a t-shirt is “not professional”. I don't want to be bothered with inconveniences. I don't want to fight this fight… I'm tired. Let me live in peace and be happy. Fuck greed,…


Erased from existence


Sounds like such a fun place…


I’m with this guy.


I walked out of a job “interview” today

After submitting my resume on indeed, i got a text from the manager of the place to come in for an interview and to “try” their clinic ( i was applying for medical receptionist position). The manager sounded lovely over the phone but oh boy when i came in, no discussions or interview, she just asked me to sit down in front of a computer, gave me the doctors schedule and asked me to take answer phone calls while giving the bare minimum information about their clinic. They wanted me to stay 8 hours and do the trial shift, without payment . I said okay (wasnt planning on doing the full 8 hours, but i wanted this job so i wanted to try ). While sitting there I was left to fend for myself , the manager occasially came by my side and I asked questions. I was confident i…


I Hope You Are Free


Found on Twitter… it’s a vibe