There's been an influx of literal 15 year old children being verbally abused and physically exploited by grown adults at their jobs. Why the fuck do parents allow this? Is an insignificant amount of money from a fast food restaurant worth child exploitation? What happened to protecting kids? What happened to focusing on school? As if they don't have 60 years of work ahead of them anyways, so why not delay the process? I despise how individualistic this culture has become. And do not get me started on “owing” your parent money or paying them back for a meal. What??
Author: Olivia
Don’t let them slow down our momentum.
most managers act clinically insane
Screaming, threatening, intimidating people. If I did that to a random person on the street, I'd be beaten up or arrested.
I work full time and earn 450€
Let me tell you the wonders of living in Eastern Europe: Earn on average 400-600€ (minimum is 300€). Some people earn less than this though Rent for a studio apartment is between 200 and 300€. 1 bedroom apartment goes for 60.000 – 80.000€ in a mid-sized city (300.000 inhabitants). Utilities (heat, electricity, water, garbage etc) are around 80€ / month. 1 liter of diesel is 1.62€ and keeps going up. 1 year of insurance for your car is 161€. A guy from Canada told me he pays 150$?? Public transportation permit is 40€ per month but it is available only in the city and it sucks. Beside meat and fruits, food costs the same as in western countries where people get paid 4x what I earn Video games, phones, clothes, subscriptions and all electronics are priced at western levels There are a bunch of foreign companies coming here for cheap…
Its 4am and I am going to my shift at Starbucks. I have a career with a 9-5 on top of this job to pay my bills, but I need insurance coverage for a condition that I can only access right now through health insurance coverage at Starbucks. I have to maintain 20hrs a week on average to keep benefits on top of my 9-5. I am audited on my hrs every six months and pay medical costs out of pocket up front BEFORE being reimbursed unknown amounts for my medicines and procedures. Despite record 2020 and 2021 profits stores are slashing hours and going through hiring freezes. I am constantly begging for more hours. My life is falling to pieces as I watch people skip the tip and cruise through the drive through with orders that cost more than I make in my 4hr shift. The stress and long…
Today I found out that my mom is heart broken that she had to leave the job she’s loved having for years all because her asshole boss is stuck in the old days of telling people what to do and doing nothing to contribute to the work load/hire another person to help out around the shop. She has been asking over and over for someone to be hired part time because most of the work was being tossed onto her shoulders while the one other worker she had was a lazy bum. It all came to a head when she asked one last time to have someone hired by May or she’d be finding somewhere else to work. Her boss demanded that she continued to carry the job without any help being lended to her and that she was to do as she’s told when she’s told. She wasn’t having…