
Starting two new jobs tomorrow

Had my annual performance review today. Got 100% of my target bonus based on my consistently strong performance. Annual pay raise 0% Long term incentive (vesting stock) $0 Pointed out to my boss that a zero % pay raise when inflation is pushing 10% is in reality a pretty significant pay cut. On the bright side he did reiterate how much he appreciates me and how valuable I am to the team. How does this all connect to my two new jobs? Job 1 get laid off and packaged out. I don’t plan on leaving for free. Job 2 Tune up my resume and start looking for a new gig in my very hot sector. Bit bummed as I like where I work and was planning on staying until I retire in the next 5 years give or take. On the bright side I can continue to get paid while…


Mentally deranged bully business owner goes nuts whenever people post negative reviews of her business (6 photos)


Ghosting an Amazon recruiter (more info in comments)


I’m not a leftist (Not even political) but I’m totally on board with you guys!

Yea what the title says! Like I truly appreciate this subreddit existing for an amazing cause, not that it should because basic human rights shouldn't be fought for but should be a given. I'm from Australia so we don't have it as bad as most of you here. As much as the private sector (What you guys call corporate) sucks, we as employees have alot of protection and rights. I truly feel for you guys on that side of the world and wishing you all the contentment possible to humanity.


could i get in legal trouble for this google review of a past job?

EDIT: i am in colorado, in the US. hey all! i’d just like to give some backstory behind this before i share the content of the review. on mobile, so apologies for formatting! i started working here roughly a month after my 17th birthday, and proceeded to stay for nearly a year. they promoted me to the Shift Manager position after roughly 3 months, which, admittedly, should’ve been a major red flag; however, it was my first job and i was more excited than anything: “[…] through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” throughout my time at the store, i was continuously worked far beyond the legal hours for a minor, but i never complained because i was content with the pay. however, as time progressed, the pay soon began to not amount to the work that i put in. again, as a minor, i was…


Abusing Worker’s Love for Animals to Underpay and Overwork Them (Animal Industry Jobs)

(NOTE: Please do not share your opinion about zoos/aquariums in this post. We are entitled to our own opinions regarding the institutions, but this post is about the treatment of the workers specifically and not pertaining to the animals themselves.) So, I'm a zookeeper. I went to school for it, did internships (all unpaid, see title of post for reasoning), and have since struggled to find employment in the field (if you saw my COVID/government post on here). I have two personal accounts of how companies take advantage of their worker's love for animals and how there will likely not be much done to change that When I was in college, I interned first at a zoo and next an aquarium 5 days a week (40hrs+) unpaid during the summer. I did this for two summers because it was the only way to get into the industry. You need to…


Just can’t stay awake at work

It's the middle of the day. Productivity has dropped to zero and I just can't keep my eyes open. I was at a computer a moment ago trying to look busy and caught my screen filling up with eee's where I must of nodded of for a few seconds.


I finally will leave the rat race

I'm gonna book a plane to Europe. Im quitting my job soon. I will enjoy my life without worries for the first time and once I run out of money i will kill myself. I only have 12k so ill last probably a month. Europe is expensive. I have enough money left to pay off my debt and donate some money to my toxic mom. My life is in shambles. Life is awful, meds suck, i hate routines, there's nothing to fight for, we age, we lose and then we die. Life is a curse and all the good things are expensive, you know why? Because of the amount of miserable people like me wanting to have those things. Basic economics. Everything hurts, it truly hurts. i thought I was going to be somebody someday, i had goals and aspirations but im so insecure im so weak im so afraid…




Had to call out twice last week, they tried to write me up for it today.

So I had to call out sick on Sunday, then yesterday I had to call out again because my immunocompromised girlfriend was running a fever. Today when I went in, my manager tried to write me up for “breach of call out procedure”. I didnt breach procedure, I followed the exact steps we were supposed to take. Pretty sure he just think for some reason I was faking it all for a couple days off. Tonight I tested positive for covid…wonder if he'll try to write me up for this too?