The Memphis store where Starbucks fired 7 pro-union workers today is currently closed due to the winter storm power outages in the area, but given they were hiring at this location, it would be a shame if people spammed and shut down Starbucks' job site for this store;jobs&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjhjLzS0fH1AhVgSfEDHWPuB04Qkd0GegQICBAB#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=starbucks+jobs+memphis+tn&htidocid=b-VfLf7S2hMAAAAAAAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=APq-WBtiHSU4kr5vF1wxk075_a9t3xGvKg:1644375915307
Author: Olivia
Well that should help with the bills.
Great working conditions
What can be done about this? Anything?! Or is it another case of the US getting its greedy hands all over native lands or is this just happening all over?
That's all.