Author: Olivia
This is kind of a long one so…deep breathe* First and foremost, I (M32) love my DROID. Say all you want about iPhone superiority, but my DRIOD is my best fucking friend after today… So let's go back to 2020…. I was working a FT government job, in the medical field. Ambulance work, mostly 911, nights, loved it. Finally, after years of bartending, waiting tables, any and every minimum wage job you could get, while I tried to juggle school to progress my wage, but fell short because of exhaustion from working full-time and school full-time…I finally had a “livable wage” ($33k/year with benefits). Nothing fancy, but I wasn't worried about my next meal, rent, and I was even able to take my GF to Orlando after 2 years with no vacation. (healthcare…gotta love it). Shortly before the Orlando trip, I was approached with an incredible offer from a…
what is this shit
Have rich parents
New sign in the breakroom at work.
It seems either by accent or design that no one can live cheaply, sustainably and with a low amount of work straight after leaving school. Not everyone wants fancy cars and a big house. Some value their free time far higher but we're not able to either live cheaply in society or even go off gird easily. It seems by design. Even if you work all your life for a nice home your time here on earth is temporary not all that long in the scheme of things so this system seems a joke to me.