
Kohl’s Donating $100k for Black History Month

This doesn't fit exactly in r/antiwork, but I figured the disconnect of the company would be interesting for discourse. So, I found an ad on Reddit that proudly stated Kohl's in donating $100k to the National Urban League and “dropping a new collection” for Black History Month. Then, I read this from “Kohl's (NYSE: KSS) paid Gass a bonus of $939,422, as well as incentive pay of $1.57 million. All-in, including her stock awards, Gass earned $12.86 million in 2020, up from $8.98 million in 2019.” How does everyone else feel about this “philanthropy?”


14/hr……lol, you get what you get Home Depot.


Love how this person’s advice casually includes “and don’t do any fun and/or relaxing activities as you build a new skill set”


If we are stuck working, here’s some ideas to give us power.


A Dutch supermarket is looking for new workers, in the job listing they mention workers can receive a bonus for not calling in sick


My advice for giving an excuse for why you won’t be coming in…DON’T

If they ask why…. You can respond, “because I’m not. Thank you, have a good day.” CLICK If you’re ill mentally or physically while on the job and need to go home you can say…. “I can’t finish the rest of the day and I have to leave.” When they try to guilt you because they’re under staffed or busy, remember that’s not your problem. Your health is. If you don’t give an excuse/reason they can’t gaslight you if you say I’ll talk to you tomorrow about this matter and leave. If you can get someone to cover your shift then that’s helpful but if you can’t don’t hold that guilt ok. Even when billy bob says he works while he’s sick. Your coworkers will be fine tomorrow even if they choose to feel any other way.


Tyson is a clear example of corporates using the inflation narrative to increase their profits instead of wages


Just when I was starting to like this company


Called in sick to work-asked if I had a PC at home…

So I called in sick to work today because…well I’m sick. I work in an office and my boss responded with are you setup to work from home? Which I am not. So I responded with no. He then asked if I had a PC and if not they would make arrangements for the future. To which I responded with “if arrangements could be made that it would be great”. I have a laptop at home but I don’t feel comfortable using it for work considering it’s my personal computer and feel like if they want me to work from home let alone work from home on a sick day then I should be supplied a work computer. Am I wrong for thinking this?


Vanderbilt University sent out a book to all students and faculty praising Vanderbilt’s Covid-19 efforts. Employees and grad students say the book is tone deaf propaganda that ignores union efforts for better wages.