
$35/hour and still broke

31 years of age now.. been working full time since I was 16 years old. Never had the privilege to “formally” educate myself.. I would go homeless otherwise. Rent is about $25k/year for my 800sqft apartment. There is no end to the abuse, I spent my whole 20s boot strapping and having faith in a system that only takes and does not give. I've never left my state once since I cannot afford a vacation, never been on vacation and have always chose to work since I would drown otherwise. I want my life “back” I don't even know what that means cause I've been sold a lie and I'm having trouble returning this propaganda. I'm afraid I'm going to snap any day now and just quit.. probably end up on the streets. It's obviously what I was destined to become. I hate it here, USA is a shit hole…


Oregon Summer camp offering $120/week for a cooking position. How much do they actually owe me?

If this isn’t an advice sub, please direct me to a better place to ask this question. Ik you guys give lots of good advice, and this pay is kinda sketch. Maybe this should be in r/legaladvice ? TL;DR I’m getting paid $120 for 6 days of working in a kitchen and sleeping on the premises. That’s roughly $3.33/hour not including time required on-grounds but not working. My state minimum wage is $13.20. I’m told my pay is low because it includes food and room, but I’m in a tent (and not allowed to go home). How much money should I really be getting? I’m a 16 year old living in Oregon, and just applied to my first “real” job. It’s a position at a BSA Cub Scout camp, as kitchen staff. I’ll be staying at the camp 6 days a week for the three weeks I work there, I’m…


Saw this in AITA. Not sure if this coworker is a shit or someone I want to be


RIF Incoming

Today I learned that we are having a small RIF and I, fortunately (unfortunately?) am not part of it. I’ve been at this company for about 5 years and the lack of good management and leadership is abysmal. I asked for a raise and promotion back in January and have been put off saying that I’m not ready for a management position then told that there was no room in the budget. The absurd business decisions the executive team is making is the reason why this is happening. I’ve been looking and applying for jobs but as you all know, the job market is hard. One thing I’m considering is filing a complaint about HIPAA violations just because I’m feeling burned by getting denied a raise and now the layoffs. We use google sheets to pull data from our EMR to payroll and I’ve always thought this is not secure.…


Anyone else wish they tried harder in high school?

Honestly I wish I could’ve been an investment banker since ironically finance and stocks have become one of my obsessive interest. But to make serious money as a banker you gotta get into an Ivy League school. I literately got straight f’s and didn’t try in high school lmao


It’s so outrageous that despite exorbitant rent costs, we only spend about 8 days a month in an apartment.

4 weekends a month. Working all day to essentially spend 8 measly days out of 30 enjoying one’s home. With a 3-day weekend that would go up to 12 which is at least a little better. But damn


How tf is it legal for landlords to sell your information?

This isn't exactly anti-work, but it's definitely anti “the system we have in America.” We have 3 major credit bureaus. After the following bullshit I will describe in a moment, I put a freeze/lock on one of them (transunion), which prevented ANY weird unauthorized credit check against me (happens all the time to everyone). The bullshit: In 2019/2020, a close friend and i applied for an apartment through a faceless, corporate property management company. A month or so after applying, I started receiving calls from (bullshit) debt collection agencies. These debts were not only over 15 years old and paid off, but they could produce no proof of them. That ended after a bit of back and forth and me bringing on a lawyer didn't need the lawyer, the beef was easy to squash). The foundation of all that mess happened to be the fact that private agencies (namely property…


Overtime – worth the sacrifices?

The US seems to praise the overtime, whatever it takes, workhorse mentality. I work in an industry where overtime is common and expected. Those who work the most hours and make the most family sacrifices seem to be congratulated as if what they’ve done is overwhelmingly positive instead of negative. Although I don’t get paid for overtime per say, I make good money so it is somewhat justified. Lately though, I am just not sure the money is worth it. I say this being regulated to a dingy hotel room for weeks at a time, away from pastimes, pets and family as I work 12+ hours a day to finish a project. I’m exhausted and cranky and I just feel atrophied—my mind and body. I’m middle aged and have no time. I want to enjoy life and my hobbies. I would love a 40 hour work week where the work…


If you think someone is sabotaging you, you’re probably right

Several years ago I worked security at a university hospital. I was new and working on lock ups for various posts as I learned them. Lock ups are about what you would think, making sure specified doors were locked. I kept getting in trouble at each new posting after a few days for missing doors. One in particular got me good. I was told I missed something like 70 lock ups…there were roughly 100 doors. That’s when i got suspicious and stopped blaming myself for sucking at the job and having a bad memory. I had the same trainer for all of these posts…then his live in girlfriend shot him in the back of the head, and never had an issue while training on new posts again after she did the world a favor. Believe in yourself, and if you feel like there’s someone trying to sabotage you, you’re probably…


Do I quit my job or keep at it?

I am not into being stuck with a job I hate for 40 years and the grind culture off work hours. I need a little advice and maybe just to vent a bit about my life right now. I’m 26 and I just got married two months ago, everything was pretty good, both my now husband and I were doing fairly well mentally and physically. But ever since I came back from the honeymoon, my motivation is in the toilet. I wake up tired every day (I’m up at 5:15 to go to the gym every day and I was super happy to do it but now I even feel dead there), and I hate my job. I’m definitely not the first or the last to hate their job, and I already didn’t like it before I got it a few months before the wedding, but every time I hear…