So I have read plenty of stories on this sub regarding managers waiting until the last possible minute to try and train a replacement because nobody thought to think ahead. I had it a little bit different in that I was the only guy who knew how to do not only my main duties, but also about half a dozen additional things and I tried way too hard to get others trained to do it all so it wasn't all on me. Not including my normal duties, the extras that I did saved the company about $4-5k per month because I was able to do them in-house rather than contract it out (it also saved weeks of time.) Prime example: imagine swag for businesses. They have an internal (or external) website to showcase what everyone can buy that had the company's logo splashed on everything. We would need images created…
Author: Olivia
This is a rant from my formal retail days. I have seen middle-aged women throw themselves on the ground, scream at 100 decibels, claim to have heart cancer and asthma attacks and all types of things when they don't get their way. American women seem to enjoy acting like the biblical whore of Babylon or Satan's mistress. These women are conduits for actual demonic activity. Nobody acted like this in the 80s or 90s. Somehow, society changed.
was on vacation earlier last month, during that time I was invited to a number of meetings of a local professional organization, comprising of a number of colleagues in my area. I turned them down because I had that vacation scheduled for months (it was actually a baby moon). Reached out to the chair of said employe organization asking if they could cover a large event that would be happening during my maternity leave and they said, “I should be able to, because I never take vacation”. NOT a flex my dude, actually its kind of depressing. I replied, “Great! If you decide to take your extremely deserved vacation anytime before then, I’d be happy to sub- just let me know “. i'm so tired of vacation making people look lazy! Everytime someone tells me that they dont take vacation time, I straight up lecture them. IMO if you're…
Work to Live?
In the US currently at least with my set up I can't not work and live so I need to. But currently I am so burnedout and tired at my job I need a change. I don't know if Anti-work is the place or not, but what do you suggest as jobs or income that are just a clock in/clock out low stress job? Currently I am a program coordinator for a graduate program, a project manager for a division and a clinical manager for the clinic located in the grad program as well as the division admin. So I just feel like I need something less. I would like to just go hide in a cabin in the forest but I've got to feed my dog and cat.
Pro healthy work articles?
Looking for good articles and studies that promote working from home, etc so I can post them on LinkedIn. I'd like to combat all those “why it's good to cry at work” kinds of corporate propaganda that are all over the site. Post links here. Maybe we can affect a positive change.
This is about the company my girlfriend works at. She is an office worker and is tasked with too many things, most notably she manages people's time cards. However the headquarters, which she submits the time cards to, tell her to “fix” cards for various reasons like if they are missing breaks/lunch on them because the employee couldn't take one because of the workload, started a little early or left a little late, and sometimes even if they legitimately worked an hour overtime. I've looked up what is considered acceptable and unacceptable manipulation of time sheets and what they're doing is illegal according to what I've read. This has been going on for a long time, apparently there was also someone before her in a similar role. My girlfriend doesn't like doing it either but she has to do what they tell them, she said the people at headquarters made…
After 2 years, I’m ready for a new adventure. I sit here every day, even now, dreading the customers and the tasks I’m supposed to accomplish. Though the agency I work for is fairly chill, I disagree so much with the organization, industry, and their pursuit of more more more everyday. Insurance sucks. It’s the moment I envisioned with quitting this job, but I actually really like my boss and coworkers and they depend on me so leaving is going to be awkward as fuck. But I’m going crazy here so it has got to happen. I typed up the letter but I’m not sure if I should email it or hand it to my boss physically on Friday. I usually don’t care as much but this job and boss and been good to me for the most part; it’s just time for me to move on. What is the…