As of yesterday I just quit my job at the grocery store deli that I worked for. I made 12.50 an hour and was talking on Facebook how hard it is to live, especially as a single mom, only making about 450 a week. She texted and said “Take it down! I know managers that make less than you and I'm tired of hearing about it. You're just trying to stir sh*t up.” I told her I wasn't going to take it down and if management makes less than me, they should be mad too. She then told me that I just need to budget my money better. So I told her that I quit and she had the audacity to be like, “you can at least train your replacement”. Then she called me today and demanded that I come to the store to talk about my post and I…
Author: Olivia
i read the description met all of the qualifications and requirements and then some in the description, there was a line “Microvellum experience preferred, but not required” i don't have any experience with Microvellum. that being said, when the employer reached out to schedule an interview, i made it clear that i didn't have any Microvellum experience. i was assured that was not a problem and training would be made available. we scheduled the interview. fast forward to the interview: about 4 questions in i was asked “do you have Microvellum experience?” i told the interviewer that i do not, i informed him that i made it clear prior to interview that i do not and that his ad said it's preferred, but not required. he then told me that he can't use anyone without Microvellum experience. fuck these fucking fucks.
So, on June 9th, I started working at a gas station just outside of town. It was already a bit sketchy on my first day because they didn’t tell me which gas station it would be (they’re a chain and there are two just a few miles apart from each other so I went to the one I applied to only to be told I was supposed to be at the other gas station). It has been almost a month now since I’ve been employed here and I still have not gotten my first paycheck. When I brought up the fact that all of my coworkers were paid except for me, she got pissy and said that it was a problem with my bank and not her problem. That was about two weeks ago, and have contacted my bank asking about it only to be told there was no dd…
Everything’s Fine Get Back To Work.
I work for a Scottish city council There are less than 10 people in our team. The last annual meeting we heard that our department saved the council £4,700,000 We make just less than £20,000 a year How good would it be I'm you actually got compensated your what you are worth. (We clean hospital equipment so it can be reused instead of having to buy new stuff, that's where the savings come from)
Mods are just as bad as bosses
So earlier I posted up a link to a track on antiwork called I'm not Okay because its a song about not wanting to work all my life and forcing myself to smile through it all. Something I think a lot of people could relate to. Instead mods take it down, like fuck yall. People out here working bullshit ass jobs trying to promote their dreams and yall can't even let other people support it. Are yall so miserable with your own lives that you can't let others dream? No worries, I already get shadowbanned everywhere else so I'm used to this but I hoped yall were better than that. I had hoped that if enough people liked it, maybe I'd escape that capitalist hell I live in but my bad for posting, I'll get back to work.
Please excuse my long (but happy) vent! I graduated from my health care program in March 2020, just as the lockdowns were happening. I entered the hospital workforce in a time of crisis. I think I knew about half way through my schooling that I didn’t love this profession due to the constant hostility seen at my clinical sites. Covid obviously made this 100x worse. After graduation I took a high stress position that required a ton of call hours, but I knew it paid well and there would be no lay offs. My husband and I were trying to save for a house (also terrible timing). I have spent the last 3.5 years being verbally abused and demeaned by doctors, management and patients. Of course, not all of it was totally bad. I met some life long friends and made some great connections along the way. I also have…
Anti work or anti exploitation?
Am I the only one who understands that anti-work isn't against an honest day's work for honest pay? I'm just tired of people calling us lazy for refusing to work 24 7 for 5, hours of pay. If I do the work I expect fair compensation, you know?