
Know Your Rights: In some states, it is perfectly legal for you request and view your personnel file.

I am NOT a lawyer. I am speaking from my personal experience and NOT advising you to do anything illegal. In my state it is my right to request access AND copies of my personnel file up to 3 years past my last date of work. In my state failure to provide timely access to my personnel file carries some civil penalties. I have had a few (bad) employers that I have used this against, most willingly complied. A former employer can likely view this as a prelude to a lawsuit, but if you’ve left the job anyway…this is one thing to jam them up with even further. Let them be the one that loses a night’s sleep for a change. The most it took was a simple written request, sent via certified letter (to ensure a record of delivery for my records). Informational only, please know your rights…


Why does it feel like on most current job listings, they expect applicants who didn’t have to work through college? I worked in the service industry to make money because I had to, I couldn’t afford to do an unpaid/low-paying internship through college


I think you would all be a little upset with me today

A few weeks ago I saw a job post that I was interested in. Life got in the way, and I checked for the post again today and it was gone. Just for giggles, I called and asked if the position was still available. The person who answered the phone said the position was just filled. Oh well, I said thank you. She screamed, “But wait! We could keep your information on file…just in case!” “Okay, is there an email address I can send my credentials to?” “Well, we really like people to come in to fill out some forms. The hiring manager is here in the mornings, so mornings would be best.” I am interested in the job, and I’m a nice person, so I said okay. So, for a job that is no longer available, they want me to take time out of my day to come in…


Corporate just praised themselves for fixing a problem they created because they didn’t listen.

Rant beginning in 3, 2, 1 Work for a $15 billion medtech company who decided to migrate out website to a new CMS. Part of this move required business units to move customer critical documents to another new system because they would be removed from the website when new CMS goes live. For MONTHS they were told the business units didn't have the resources to migrate in time. For months they were told it is critical to have these documents up. Response was always they will take it under advisement or not our problem (paraphrasing). New system goes live. shit hits the fan. BU and sector leadership get involved. Corporate team forced to fix issue. Fadt forward today. Just got off a call where that team just praised themselves for moving heaven and earth to fix the problem they created and basically told the BUs to get their acts together.…


I’m trying to start a small landscape company. When you own your own stuff and use your own vehicle and pay your own cost no $15 isn’t sustainable


Had to quit and ghost my nightmare of a boss.

I used to work full time at a prop house but after 6 months I had to leave because my boss was becoming increasingly impossible to work with. She would angrily text me hours after the shop closed if she wasn't happy about something to complain and then demand answers even when I was at home and had to work off memory of the day. And the days when she'd wait until I was in the shop to address an issue, she'd talk down to me like an idiot. She'd ask me last minute to stay late to help her pack her own rentals which she always left to the last day because, as she put it, she worked better under pressure. If she was upset with me she'd give me the silent treatment and be extra friendly to other stylists and staff. She was supposed to review a raise…


My boyfriends boss denied his time off

My boyfriends boss just denied his time off. A week ago he said it was because someone else was also taking that time off. The two coordinated together so that he would be there the days my boyfriend would be out (two days). Now today his boss says he’s a “key team member” and cannot take any time off until their no longer understaffed. They have never NOT been understaffed since he started working.


Leaving my job and found a list of all salaries at the company… what do I do?

I put my 2 weeks notice in yesterday. I’m a systems engineer at a small company (about 600 employees). My company is known well for under paying staff badly, it is the main reason I am leaving. Fast forward to today… I was helping one of the Office Managers and had to copy a bunch of files from their personal network folder. When I was back at my desk I opened a few all at once by mistake and one was an excel export of all salaries company wide. It’s so much worse than I thought. Everyone except the few at the top (maybe 30 people) are getting ripped off. Those few at the top? They’re getting it MADE. I’m talking $550k/year for executives when a supervisor that works twice as many hours makes $60k/year. I want to share this info what don’t know how to do so. I don’t…


Found a job poster on another subreddit showing his true colors.


Welp I just quit

Nothing else lined up. Pay was shit. Mentally exhausting. Dickhead POS executives and dumbass management. Some people were aii tho. Perfect recipe for a shit company. Fuck these companies and brands: GMA Capelli BalletJewels Concept1 CedarStars AI Shields (They have a lot more but too tired to think)