Author: Olivia
I’m tired of this. What do I do?
I really don’t want to live a majority of my life from behind a desk. Or be judged for not wanting that. Regardless of whether or not I like my job, I’d rather not put all this time to something that’s meant to run us ragged. I don’t want the people I spend my waking life with to be my coworkers. And I sure as shit won’t call them family so my company can make us feel better about taking 60+ hours a week from our lives. I want to do something. Make an impact with my company, or field, or something so that not just mine, but others work-life balance is improved. I don’t know how to get started or feel like I have much time between work and personal obligations. But I know I can’t do this long term. What can I do?
Is this normal where you work? This is an office setting btw.
logical words.
Not having a day off in half a year
Just need to rant a little I'm sorry. I'm currently at work now on the shitter bracing for the full day ahead. I'm an autopsy technician, I work for the government, and haven't had a day off in six months. We're supposed to have two teams of 4 techs, and one photographer so that each team can alternate weeks of having four days off, then working a full 7 days. Not a bad schedule imo, but we have only 4 techs and one photographer and the two techs are fairly new, and we haven't been able to effectively train them to cut yet as the caseload is high (our office services half of our state) and taking the time to do so only puts us back farther than we already are. It has gotten so bad that me and my lead tech have threatened to quit from pure exhaustion but…
Got us working in 100 degrees
this is a new one for me
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