
I Don’t Know Why

Once I eat my lunch box, I don't see the point of being at work anymore


Put in 2 weeks notice, was told to punch out and leave due to workload

Was working at a CNC Machine shop for 6 months but had found a better opportunity. When I put in my resignation letter they told me to punch out and leave. I was never written up or reprimanded for any mistakes or behavior. I was running 2 CNC Mill Turns and I tried to leave on a good note as I was grateful for the opportunity to work there. They claimed I had to leave immediately due to low workflow but I was running multiple machines and had alot of other work orders lined up. It took me by surprise because now I’m worried I’ll be without insurance for two weeks.


I have been sick for 5 days and already used a sick day this week

I'm violently ill. I need to go to a hospital probably but I am not willing to pay for the visit. I'll live in an at will employment state and they will fire me with or without a note because of the strict attendance policy. I can't afford to lose the job but I also feel like I'm dying. Guess I'll just die. Fuck work


Goddamn the United Scams of America


USA: General strike. Now.

Whenever I come on here and see someone propose the idea of a general strike, all I see Americans reply with is “I would but I have no money to support myself if I quit working for even a day” or something along those lines. If things keep at the pace they’re going you wont have any money to support yourself even if you keep going to work. This is coming from an outsider, but from my perspective, you organize now to speed up the pace of change or you organize later when you really have “nothing to lose” and when it’s even harder to recover from inequality. In my eyes a revolution seems inevitable for you, it is just a matter of time I am rooting for you!


Asking unnecessary questions


How can things continue?

1 in 8 Americans have to start loan payments again. My wife and I have suprise student loans to pay back and I'll be laid off soon from work. How are people supposed to survive this? What can be done?


Rich companies taking out PPP loans? Sure, treat yourself <3. Student loans? Go fuck yourself!


I have very little time left for myself every

Tldr: I spend 11 hours on average around work. I have no time for myself to do anything I enjoyed just for an above average pay grade. I don't know if this belongs here but here we go. I graduated college with a lousy GPA. Did not even met the minimum criteria for graduate school. For some unknown reason I lucked into an administrative position in a large investment bank. I ended up making more than I could think of. Most of my colleagues and managers are pretty well tempered and nice. But somehow I find myself more miserable than ever. I did some basic math. Including commute and lunchtime, I spend an average 11 hours at work. This does not even factored in the time I put on makeup and dressed up to look presentable (I don't really do this when I'm off work). Everyday I was forced into…


Got this request from a company which seems strange. I’ve not taken a selfie with my ID as this seems like a scam.

They've made me a wait a month for this. Not sent me any joining letter nor contract or even discussed about my salary. I said I'll take time off for my wife's birth next week and even refused to acknowledge it.