Hi everyone! In 2021 I heard a story about a guy who accepted multiple remote jobs and was doing quite well financially. In today’s expensive ass world I was wondering if any people of Reddit have done/are doing this as well. If so, what’s your story and how has it worked out? What kind of work do you do?
Author: Olivia
Give us the scraps
My company was forced to give the production company I work for a “market increase ” of .50 cents last april. This month was employee evaluations and people like myself included only got .16 cent raises. Is there anything I can do(besides quitting) to fight this? This is in Texas BTW, where the laws do NOT favor the worker here.
I recently (7 months ago) joined a company as Director as the company was attacking a new market and needed someone with experience. as the team of 9 still needed structure I had to jump into different roles as well, to support were I can. so for the last 4 months or so I've been Director for 3 different Departements. In May they fired the Office Manager and told me I had to take care of it until they find someone else. My frustration and extra hours were taken to the next level when I came back from vacation and was told to take over this very important client (Project Management), additionaly to my current tasks. I decided to step up and wrote my Boss, that I can't take it anymore as I'm currently doing a job for 5 people and won't even get a single “thank you” for working…
Resignation email SENT
Comrades, I've done it, sent my resignation email after almost 2 years in a multimillion dollars company that wouldn't give a flying fck about me or my colleagues. Lucky to live in a country with more rights than US, and others, but still very much explored. After very dark months I've landed something substantially better, thanks to Chatgpt and a bit of insistance. This huge corporation made me learn many valuable lessons, like for me to stop caring, cause I tend to involve myself too much to try to get some joy out of it… But the disappointment, injustices and lack of promotions when I was the top and beyond was just bringing me down so bad… Now I see again the light in the end of another tunnel, let's hope it will be better. I'll keep on fighting for my rights and my fellow workers. Be happy for me,…
My mom is a barber and works on Fridays and Saturdays for 18 hours in total. She asked her boss if she could have a weekend of next year June, in response he asked her if she could please just take 2 weeks off instead and also go on holiday, when she said she couldn't because she has to go on vacation during school holidays he said he wasn't sure if he would be able give her a weekend off because it depends on other people's holidays. A fucking year in advance, what more do you want?
Job fired me without warning
Let me start this off with two things. I'm 15, and autistic. This was also my first job. I was working at a kids camp where they paint stuff. I've never worked a job before so i have no clue what to do. i've also never worked with kids. this is the only job in my area that hires people my age. I got fired for 'being on my phone' i was texting my mom to see when she could pick me up after work. 'talking about inappropriate things with children' a child came up to me and started info-dumping about death and i didn't know how to shut that down. 'drawing on my sketchbook' no one told me there was more work to be done, so i just did my own thing. also its an ART CAMP i know i work there, but am i not allowed to draw…
Quiet quitting discourse
Yesterday I was at a resilience training that my work offered. We have a couple of optional trainings per year that we can partake in, so that's great. The training was interesting, learned some stuff, but the trainer lost all my attention in the afternoon. Don't know how we landed on the subject of “quiet quitting” in this training, but the trainer ranted about how this generation came up with quiet quitting and that she does not stand behind this movement. She ranted that we should not follow this 'quiet quitting' trend. What baffled me is that the whole room agreed and scoffed at the concept (younger folks as well). I don't get it. Most of these people attended the training because their work was stressing them out, yet they scoff at the idea of quiet quitting. It's honestly fucking cringe at this point. Why do people continue to keep…