T.W.: conditioning, over-medication, general assholery. I could write a multi-page essay about this shit, and probably will eventually, butnone of us have time for that now. So, I'll give you the condensed version of this rant. Living in the U.S. as a neurodivergent who's just joining the workforce is hell. From a young age, you're taught that unless you can be productive in this very specific way you aren't good for anything, so you dedicate your entire childhood to changing yourself in every way possible to fit that model. If you have ADHD like I do, you're put on medication that literally changes your brain to the point that you are no longer the person you were before. On top of that, in red states, when the medication stops working, they don't look for alternate ways to help, they just up the dosage. And then, when you hit the workforce…
Author: Olivia
Freelancing sucks
I am someone who has a side hustle. My main job is nice, but what I do in my free time is truly rewarding. Mostly. I have a client right now I'm designing wall art for, and I'm communicating with their marketing staff to get things finished. She's a nightmare client. Might be worse than what I deal with in my actual job. She has not provided any (much needed) resources or information, and takes 2 days MINIMUM to respond to my emails about my work. Now she's making me look incompetent to her colleague, despite the fact that the mistake is on her (approving a design that doesn't coincide with the branding). She's the laziest woman I know, and tries to be smart with me despite all the stuff I know about her and her laziness. I'm about to send a snarky email but I don't know how to…
How to adapt to office work?
So I have a new job working on an office/cubicle setting. Day 2 and I’m home with a massive headache. I want to love the job but staring at my computer all day drained me so hard. How have others adapted to doing office work like this? My old job was also at a computer all day but the whole office was empty, less busy , and I only had one monitor. I may be letting my anxiety get the better of me tbh.
I don't think I'm a bad employee. I started working at 18 in nightclub environments, until finding a more hour friendly job at a well known fast food chain whilst at university. I stayed there for a few years after my degree, i suppose initially enjoying being able to play with a store in sandbox mode and commit to it. but eventually it wore me down, and i left I was unemployed for 3 months after this. I didn't leave the job because I had something lined up, i was just done. And I got lucky enough it was close enough to my graduation I could pitch myself as a “new grad” Now, 4 years later, at 27, I find myself at this point again at my new job. I could write paragraphs on how awful my boss is. But personally, I don't like to look for things while employed,…
A while ago, my job (without notice) cut my shifts from 48 hours/6 days a week to one or two days a week, with only 4 hour shifts. This particular week, I was scheduled to work on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I had a concert on Tuesday. I notified my boss of that concert 3 days ahead of time (company policy requires only 24 hours notice), received no response, and I was suddenly only scheduled for that Tuesday. I texted my boss multiple times up until the actual shift came up, and I didn't hear anything. So, considering I was within company policy, I didn't show up. And since then, I haven't gotten a single hour assigned to me. Everyone at that work has completely ghosted me, for doing nothing wrong. What can I do to make this right for me? My lack of a job has messed my financial…
In our showroom at work the air conditioner condenser has an ongoing leak. This has created a small puddle of water behind one of the pieces of equipment in our showroom. I knew about this leak and one of the guys from the showroom placed some absorbent pads there to sop up the water but it did not get all of it. I was working back there today and slipped and fell onto my hands and knees. It startled me and my knees hurt for a few minutes but other than that I have no injuries. I made an incident report just in order to elevate awareness about the leaking HVAC unit. Now I have a meeting in the morning with a team leader who will be investigating this incident. I’m afraid they’re going to try to find a way to blame this on me and minimize or absolve the…
Denied a raise.
After 4.5 years of hard work in this job with a horrible boss I was told I didn't get approved for a raise. I'm severely underpaid and overworked. Never call in sick and give my all to this job. I'm an educator in a specialized field and I love what I do. I broke down in front of my boss and cried after they told me. I told my boss I feel used and unappreciated with everything I have done for this company. I regret crying but it's been years of being abused by my boss and treated like shit. It's just a culmination of negative feelings. I don't get paid enough or a living wage. I'm doing managerial duties even though that's not in my job description. I made our organization successful and implemented processes that have made things efficent. I feel like my ideas were stolen to benefit…
A good employee is hard to find
How long till jail is the only option
With the cost of living increasing like crazy horny rabbits, and inflation going high high high like a bunch of stoners, but the average pay staying low low low like a rock in a pond, how long do you think till people start committing crimes with the express purpose of going to jail and everytime they get out repeating their crimes cause they just can't afford to live otherwise?