
A modern day Doogie Howser.


Job/Company Red Flags

Posting this in case anyone needs it, as it has helped me. 🙂 TLDR; If you're looking for a job and see “family-like” and/or “fast-paced” in the job or company description, do not apply. Also, pay-rate is important, but it isn't worth your health and happiness. Long story short, I am not in a position where I can afford life without a job, like most of us. Damn. With that said, I am fortunate to have gotten a job where I am actually very happy. I was reflecting on my old job and realized two red flags were right there in the job posting, yet still I applied. So, to anyone who is looking for a job or thinking about leaving their job for something else, please BOLO for: “family-like” and “fast-paced” environment. Family-like: You ever hear people being treated poorly – even abused – by family, and they finish…


Panem et Circenses ( i.e. this seems intentional)


Succinct description of how companies have dissolved the power of labor and creators.


Many believe the answer to our problems is going backwards

So, I had a discussion with a few people who are successful and have different political views. To put it short, they believe that technological advances are the problem, rather than the answer. They believe that using a machine to replace a manual laborer, is an issue and we should protect those people's jobs. Otherwise, how will these people feed their families?!?! Is what they argued. To me, this was an extremely, how should I put this… stupid perspective and shows how humanity is the problem. When I said good, about these jobs being removed and that people who use these machines, should now pay to community for the jobs they destroyed, they thought I was the one who was crazy. However, it's crazy to me, that people believe forcing someone to go doing backbreaking manual labor is a good thing rather than using new tech. Now another thing to…


I’ve convinced that AI will make many people unemployed or partially employed in the future

Four- or three-day work weeks will become a reality for most because there simply won't be enough work for us to do. But we'll need UBI to supplement our incomes. However, I'm just afraid for the intervening period between widespread UBI and mass reduced employment. 5% of jobs lost in May were due to AI. Imo, it'll only get “worse” (or better, depending on how you see things). I read about this type of scenario in 2021 from a book, and now I'm hearing about it on the news randomly


Yes, So They Can Work and Make Billionaires Richer.


A story about my mom….

My mother is a retired teacher. She also claims to be a very loving Christian. But she also is a conservative Trump supporter that doesn't really align with what she claims her beliefs are. Anyway, she is in her mid-70s and a retired teacher. The other day, she called me complaining about how nobody wants to work. Her story went like this. On her way from her fully paid for condominium to her fully paid for Lakehouse in New Hampshire. She was upset that she was unable to get a Starbucks coffee at the local rest area because they were short staffed and had restricted hours. She went on for at least 15 minutes about how the service at restaurants and retail stores are terrible because nobody wants to work and how she hast to yell and scream at the staff to get them to do their job the right…


You thought it was bad now? Wait till they can get your eye tracking info.


Updated for accuracy GO UNION
