Author: Olivia
What can we as normal people do to solve these absurd rents? From the perspective of a Floridian. Housing in Florida in general is expensive but specifically south Florida has gotten out of control. It’s starting to get to California level of overpriced and greedy. Ok I get it there’s a ton of people moving here and the state is growing which is generally a good thing. But if the lowest option for rent gets too much above the median income it will drive many people away from here. Nobody will be able to afford to be a service worker unless they live with their parents or jam packed into a bedroom with a bunch of other people. We can fight politically. Would rent control be a decent option? I know here it’s been very controversial due to the landlord lobby. Increase wages? Organize a rent protest? Make it a…
Signing Anti-Union Form
My job wants us to sign an addendum to the handbook that says we won't talk about unions at work. This felt wrong to me so I looked up on the labor dept website. It said that rules on discussing unions cannot be discriminatory. Meaning if we're allowed to talk about other non-work topics, we're allowed for talk about unions. Am I understanding this correctly?
We all have that coworker.
Pretty common but this time I'm done with it. Co-worker (named A) asked for a feature, I was against it. She called our boss, boss emailed me with the new stuffs I should add to the program. Fast forward to this day, clients can't stand the new feature, co-worker (named B) is determined to get it removed after I forwarded all the complaints calls to the office where B and A are (while laughing my ass off). I'm sure i'm gonna soon recive a mail from my boss telling me to delete said feature. Before I quit, I'm gonna mail my team to tell them to delete it, and CC my boss. Help me writing the mail, I wanna be arsh with the boss but not too much since that all mess it's A's fault.
Seems like she did ok with WFH when she was on house arrest for insider trading.