
We can’t possibly get things done

What stupid bitch. We are killing America because we want hybrid jobs then goes on to say she can keep writing standing or sitting or dictating from bed


Our company made over 45 million last year, also what does the last line of the first paragraph tells you all you need to know about the pay.


Stumbled across this whilst breaking down a pallet


Scheduled to work an event on a day that our business is closed without my consent or knowledge.

Started a job Monday and I think I’m already seeing red flags…? So I started a new job Monday. All was well and then I got an email from our regional manager. This is the guy who hired me/I interviewed with. It was an email sent to a few people thanking us for signing up to man a booth at a convention this Friday. I was listed to have a three hour shift in the morning. The only issue is.. I never signed up. And I was supposed to have Friday off (our business is always closed that day). Regional manager stops by today. So I brought up the convention thing and I was like what is that? And he said every manager or asm person has to go and they pick their shift. And I was like “oh I don’t remember picking my shift” and he said “you didn’t…


Boss preaches well-being and balance as a company value but asks us to take a shorter lunch to complete the work we are severely understaffed for

Starting to think I would rather be told upfront in a job interview that my time and health won’t be valued and giving up my personal time is an expectation / borderline requirement. The fake-ness and manipulation of the whole “we’re a family here” “we care about you” trope is just so painful. And those who have been in the corporate working world for a few years already know not to believe that shit anyway.


The statement: “People don’t want to work anymore” is so dumb, on so many levels

It's just not true, at least in the US, unemployment is extremely low right now. So that's the first MASSIVE sin, this is just a lie, a fib. It's not even fucking true. Why is this used as an insult from out of touch scrooges? “People don't want to work anymore” people would rather work less, and do more things that they like. What the hell is wrong with that? We live in a world with tech that would be seen as godlike by past humans, why should the average person work more hours a week then a medieval farmer had to? Why is it a bad thing that people would rather spend more time enjoying existing, and engaging more with the finer and simpler things in life? Life is one shot. You get to do this once, no take backs. It's a journey that is completely about the travel,…


Selfishness is called Freedom in America

Selfishness has been turned into the #1 virtue in America. And we fight tooth and nail to protect it. But what many of us don’t realize, is that this is what we are calling freedom.


My manager is usually pretty chill, but I got this text this morning after like half our team called out yesterday (our pto just reset for the year)


I waited tables for 10 years in a rural farm town in Ohio. I got these almost every Sunday


That’s just sad.