
Dollar General Is Still Putting Workers in Harm’s Way


Story from way back

About 5 years ago I was working for a “facilities operations” company. In my case that meant I was a garage attendant. Easiest job I've ever had, until the new senior manager came on board. I had been hearing stories the whole week leading up to him about how he was there to make heads roll and he was a ruthless go getter. On the day I met him, it was raining heavily and a few of the (underground) stairwells began to flood. Myself and two other extra guys arrived to help take care of it. When we got there the new senior manager was there. He told us all to go to the supply closets and grab a squeegee and start clearing off the stairs. When we got to the closet there were only 2 squeegees. The other two guys grabbed one and I (pretty familiar with this garage)…


Weird new “policy”


Just got a new job, already been invited to 2 “fun” events before I even start

So I'm supposed to start 1st of July and they are already sending me emails to invite me to some party to “get to know the team members”. I said no last week, but now they have another one and are asking me again. ​ How do I make them understand I do this for money and I don't need more friends?


How long do I need to work somewhere before I’m eligible for unemployment if they fire me?

Basically title. I'm debating getting a job at an Amazon warehouse (ugh) and I'm curious how long do I need to tough it out for before I can milk the system. I'm in California btw.


TIFU by leaving work 5 minutes early even though I started 20 mins early unpaid.

Yesterday, I had a final interview scheduled for 8am and I was due to start work at 9am. So I got to the office early to do the Teams interview in the canteen. This meant that I got to my desk earlier than usual and started doing my work at 9:40 because I was just bored of browsing my phone. I didn't and won't get paid for that 20 minutes. Anyways, there's currently road construction happening in the area for the next two years so it's a nightmare to get around. I usually take the 5:30 bus home that's located up a nasty hill (I have asthma too so fuck the hill), but with construction this means I don't get home til after 7. There's a bus at 5:05 that is a lot closer walking distance and nowhere near the hill. Imagine walking 5 minutes instead of 18 and getting…


What’s the biggest lie/BS an employer has told you?

At my last job, I was customer service/call center for a food delivery app company. When I did the interview and first joined, I asked them I wanted the day shift, they said none are available right now but we may have a opening soon, if you join us and wait a bit we can get it for you. So I agreed and started working there as the night shift (or the graveyard shift because it lasted until 2AM) and 7 fucking months went by…7 MONTHS of working until 2AM at a company that's 40 minutes away from my house by car, I never got that day shift. Every month I'd ask them if the opening came, they gave me the same bullshit that they're trying their “best”. The last straw was during the last month, they hired a new girl that was the niece of one of the managers…


Best Hikes In Zion National Park


The 40 hour work week is insane

Regardless of industry, everyone has to work a 40 hour week? Is the point just to waste everyone’s time? Surely not every job has the same dynamics of productivity. Just venting at how weird it seems. I know for some people only 40 hours is a dream. I just think it’s weird that there’s this unspoken, universally accepted yet completely arbitrary number. Sorry this is sort of a low quality post.


Local Bubble tea shop in my area

This was from a local anonymous confessions IG account, there were former employees in the comments also talking about their (bad) experiences working at their other locations