
Staying in dead end jobs

I left my job (grocery store) about a month ago. I just took vacation and never went back. I had saved up enough money to pay my bills for two years, and have college paid for, so I just became a full time student to get out of the despair which is retail and focus on investing in myself. The question comes from my ex coworkers' respose. I told them my plan before I enacted it and tried to encourage them to go back to school as well. “Hey, you can get a pell grant, and school is paid for.”You could even just work part-time and go to school for free.” Some of these people are in their early 20s, and some are mid 30s, and none of them were interested. I mentioned trade school as well (electrician, plumber, hvac). It was almost like I was stupid for wanting to…


The enslaved are constantly reminded that hard work is their only hope.


Unpaid intern


Be cool if compensation = value to society

Was just reflecting on the fact that 8 years ago, I was working harder and producing way more value than I am in my current role but I took home maybe half as much money. I managed a $37.2 million scientific research center with around a dozen projects and just shy of 100 researchers for less than $50k/year USD. That seems… insane.


US people working two jobs while starving and they will drink things like this because it’s their only happyness in life.


In 1963 the minimum wage was $1.53 an hour which is equivalent to $15.17 today.


i apologize if this isn’t the right place

i just got fired for the first time ever, and this is my second job. I'm a kid and man i just feel absolutely awful. it's weird how work has caused this much distress from being fired. it was over email and felt so impersonal, it makes me feel like a horrible person. it was at my favorite store too and now i feel like i can't go back in there, and that all the other employees there will be so disappointed in me if they see me again 🙁 has anyone else dealt with this? will this affect me finding jobs in the future?


It’s going to be a rough year.


Been at my job 17 years. I’m putting my two week notice in on Monday

When I was growing up my dad was in the military, he got promoted often, we went to events that were dedicated to him. He took vacations and pretty much took care of the family while My mom worked odd jobs. I always thought that’s how working was, you dedicate your self to one place and they will see that and love it. It’s sad that it’s taken me this long to realize they don’t care about me, or anybody. There was a turning point where we had a meeting and out of nowhere they told us how much worse other places have it- as if they know how bad they treat us. 17 years of luxury car sales- I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m scared but also excited to leave.


Saved the files but at a cost.