
results after replacing their unionized staff with AI chatbot:


Craziest place I ever worked at

Very early 2000s I worked for a place that paid a lowish basic but very good commission. Good earners were on over £60k/pa which was mega money in your twenties in those days. Unfortunately it was an insane work environment, the last of the boiler room inspired sales environments where the manager would walk round and ask why you weren’t on the phone or how many times you’d got up to go to the toilet. The interview process was four x three hour interviews. You had to do general knowledge quizzes, role plays, tell a joke, sing a song. Basically prove you had no inhibitions and were in it for the money. Work was Monday to Thursday 0800-1730 but you had to stay behind voluntarily for at least another 2 hrs to set yourself up for the next day. On Friday you could leave at 1730 unless it was your…


Employer not letting me take unpaid time off

I work in a very small private healthcare setting, 36hrs / week meaning in California, we don’t get jack in terms of benefits. We get a total of 24 sick hours to use at our dispense annually and thats it. We have 90% of federal holidays off ( paid ) and besides that we have 0 ( ZERO ) other benefits. I will reach 1 year of employment at the end of October which is my timeline for this job, and Ideally I should not leave anytime before then due to diminishing chances at my next job if I am not employed for at least a year. I used up all my sick hours already this year, its only 24 the WHOLE YEAR. I submitted a request for days off in November, unpaid, and 5 days here and there towards the end of the year as well. My employer straight…


Need advice: Co-worker has this habit of mentioning things that are obvious or repeating information to me. It is throwing me off. How do I deal with this?

I am more senior than my co-worker and I can say that I have a good understanding of our work flows. My co-worker sends me direct messages almost everyday saying the things that are already obvious and are known. Am I the asshole for feeling this way? It makes me ask myself, am I doing something for this person to think that he needs to inform me of something obvious? Or reiterate something that has already been said? I was also given the role of managing our tasks, but he rarely follows them and usually do things his own way. What should I do?


Don’t all rush for your 3.30 per hour, for looking after 4 kids and 2 dogs, they are ALL vegan.


one of the best ways to send CEO’s into rage

the thing rich people/CEOs hate the most is being publicly insulted/humiliated. they have gotten used to being “Gods” who can bully and abuse others but nobody is allowed to shittalk them. luckily with platforms like tiktok, i can literally show a middle finger to some CEO and say “lol suck my carrot dude i work from home” and since tiktok is owned by china….nobody cares. here's an example video i put on youtube you should be doing it every day, just to keep them down and remind them we are not gonna take their shit anymore. Everytime i see some CEO blabbing about ending WFH i immedietly reply “i work from home suck my carrot dude” and show him a middle finger


Boss threatening to not pay me for the past month??

So for some context: I’ve only been working there since early March. I get along well with all my colleagues and have only had one sick day which was from covid. I’d already handed in my notice (I’m just done with hospitality for a while) and this Thursday was originally meant to be my last day but I agreed to push it back to Sunday 3rd June to help them out. I’d come in to the cafe on Saturday with my mum as I’d been meaning to show her how great the food is, and yeah- to make the most of my staff discount ! The next day I had a 9-5 shift but I was slightly worried as it’s deadline season at uni so I’ve got a lot of essays due. I text the work group chat to ask if anyone finishing earlier would be willing to swap so…


I was asked to change my hair color from dark purple to Black while other people were allowed to have colorful hair. (different races than me) I don’t want to think that their race has anything to do with it but it seems obvious.

I just don't understand why I need to color my hair if they don't have to there seems to be no equality in the workplace….


Many of us just want to work in peace

This might just me ranting based on my personal current situation but many of us just want to work. My assistant just wants to work in peace but our management is making this place too toxic for her and I to continue working. We have literally doubled our production in the last 5 years while our staff has been reduced from 5 to just 2 and till now my assistant was happy here because the management was toxic only to me and I blocked anything from them to reach her. But all this is changed now because they're directly harassing her and playing politics. We are both looking for other work but there isn't many options out there in my country but eventually, we will both go and who will be at a loss? Us the employees who just wants to do good work and will continue to do so…


Won’t someone please think of the shareholders?