
How to quit a job without retaliation?

The last job I quit resulted in me and my boss arguing back and forth with the Dept of Labor. He was angry that I left and didn't send my final pay until I contacted them. I want to resign from my current job for one that pays $3 extra an hour but my boss is going to throw a fit. The rest of the office plus his practice manager just quit because he's so demanding and he does not like the word NO. So how should I do it? Just leave? One week notice? I am afraid he won't pay me for the past two weeks of work. Thanks


Disgusting sponsored post right here on my Reddit feed.

The “save 70% on wages” really pissed me off. Filthy scum employers looking to horde more wealth by dodging the laws of their own countries. “Too greedy to pay workers their entitled wages in your own country? Pay us to exploit poorer people in poorer countries!” Absolutely despicable.


Do you pick up the phone from work when you’re on holiday?

My work is calling me repeatedly on my first day of holiday because one of them is “looking for something.” My manager I didn’t respond to my text at all when she was away (I didn’t realise she was on holiday when I sent it), so I didn’t expect to be bothered by work when I’m clocked-off for a couple of days. I did ring back but the call failed when they tried to transfer me. They rang back but frankly I’m done. I’m not in a managerial position, I called back once, that’s enough for me. I’m literally not even in my second hour of holiday. What would you guys do? Call back a second time?


You’re going to keep starving, but at least you’ll do it ultra-motivated with this TED talk

Took1 hour to complete all the application process. This is a joke.


They do know people work for money right?


Why do some people think you have to LOVE working and are not just doing it for money?

It just shocks me how some people look at me with disgust when I tell them I do not enjoy working, I’m not working to have a great career or whatever, the only reason I work is to get money, and if I was a millionaire I would never work again. Like do these people not have hobbies, families, interests outside of work? Both my husband and I don’t like working but we do it to get money, not everyone is obsessed with climbing the career ladder. I hate office politics and caring about a company that doesn’t care about me, I don’t see why some people think this should be the norm???


Nobody wants to work nowadays


is this email to hr professional?


Why is it so easy to get fired for nothing… “You work so well but I don’t see you working here long term”… My boss said.

In 2 weeks I have to find a job… He knows very well that I live alone and I have to pay rent/bills. For real now… This is the second job where I have been told the same thing. He repeated to me countless times that has othing personal with me, but still he made this decision…


Of Course We Should All be Working Less Current Affairs