Author: Olivia
Walmart and Taxpayers
Walmart and other evil corporations cost taxpayers billions of dollars every year to subsidize poverty wages. Last year, Walmart cost taxpayers $6 billion dollars, and had a net profit of 12 billion. How can we, as a country, not enact laws that, at the minimum, call for financial accountability for employers. Cut into your profit margins by half and take the responsibility off of the U.S. tax payers…or you get to foot the bill at the end of the tax season. It's common sense. Ugh.
Instead of just the income tax they do, they should do a 20% tax to net worth for anyone above 100 million… Yay? Nay?
I have my resume up for a reason when it is either attached to my profile or requested when I apply. At no point in time should there be a SECONDARY application to fill in blanks, concerns, etc. when ALL that should be reserved for the interview. “What makes me a good candidate?” I'll tell you during the interview if my generic resume blurb didn't perk up your ears. “What skills do you possess that make me a good fit?” I'll tell you all that during the interview since, obviously, SOMETHING I said on my cover letter got your attention enough to meet me in person. …and on and on. I had an interview with this small organization recently and it was through an employment website where you can put your professional stuff up for employers to see. 99% of the time, they see it, schedule me for an interview…
Here's the link for the news:
My response to RTW Survey
How do you report fraud? My husband's manager is stealing from his boss. The boss doesn't want to know about it, but she is fuckin with my husband's money and job. I am tired of lying scumbags getting away with shit. Please help us get some justice. Yes going to BOLI, but where else?