Author: Olivia
Please Pay Your Workers!
Stepfather pushed down stairs at his job
cross posted in r/legal advice Tldr; Stepfather was pushed down stairs at his job by some tennants. Hes alive but hurt, and looking for legal action. My stepfather (50's) is a matinence man for an apartment complex. Today while he was working a couple people pushed him down from the top the stairs and he got hurt. The cops were called, a report was filed and the cops are (currently) looking for the assaulters, he went to the e.r. and currently is in a sling. The building complex he works for has had issues for a long time, with an old tennant shooting at the office building (several times) and now this from other tennants. The only reason he stays working there is the pay. But i am pretty sure this event is gonna be the straw that broke the camels back.
I'm currently making $35,000 (with good benefits) with a master's degree, and my boss believes this is a fair wage. A lot of people don't get along with my boss. I've worked there for three years. I really like the work I do and can survive off that wage, but I know I'm worth so much more. There've been talks about having me promoted to a mid-management position, and I'll find out more information about the position and my compensation in two weeks. I would be managing a program and supervising some of the staff. My two mid-management coworkers make about $47,000, but my hypothetical workload wouldn't be as much as theirs. I would like to ask for at least $40,000. If my boss believes a mid-management position is worth less than that, I may feel nauseous. If my boss offers less than $40,000, I'd still like to take the…
Pay mess up
Hey everyone, don’t know if this is the right place to post but, I was told if I worked on Saturday I would be paid time and a half for the first 2 hours and then double time for the other 10. I was underpaid and queried about it and was apologised to as they said that made a mistake but I would only be paid time and a half. Is this legal? Any advice would be great thank you
taking a day off when sick
What is the legality of an employer forcing you to find coverage when you are sick? There is no PTO at this job, it’s part time.
the self made capitalists
People say “capitalists are self made, and hence should have absolute ownership of whatever they make without questioning” well, if these capitalists are so self dependent then – why don't these capitalists go in third world countries with civil wars? where there is no law protecting their business? – why they don't go to other planets, like mars or pluto? where there are no markets, no one buying their products or helping them manufacturing it. or providing them eco system to make the profits they make. – , the fallacious arguement of “talent and knowledge” Well, majority of capitalists hire people who have the talent and knowledge. In fact, many a times the cpaitalists themselves are only investing money. They sure are not expert of everything. Its only with help of “employees” they are able to do what they do. – the fallacious argeument of “they are investing…
For context I'm a Hotel Night Porter/receptionist. I work 11pm-7am, this evening upon entering the hotel I immediately spotted a homeless looking dude sitting in the lobby accompanied by a foul smell, I clocked in and asked the receptionist what the deal was (We have a pretty strict “if you're not staying here you can't just sit in the lobby” policy, but we do make exceptions if something has happened like a fight or somebody is lost). She tells me that he's been sat there for hours and I go get changed, come up and ask him to leave. As soon as he stood up the stench, oh god, the stench absolutely overpowered the lobby, this dude shit and pissed himself, ruining one of the chairs in the lobby and dropping a huge puddle of bodily fluids as he stood up. He did apologize and talked about how he wanted…