
How do you deal with jobsworths?

You know the type, the ones who think the business would collapse without them, the ones who think they know better than anyone else and spend an excessive amount of time scrutinising everyone else’s work for faults so they can pick them apart. I’m so fed up of my colleague who talks shit about others, picks their “faults” apart and relentlessly thinks that everything they do is perfect and everyone else (some of which are management and director level) are just clueless fools. It’s gotten to me so much that I really want to find a fault in their work to highlight it to them or come back with a passive aggressive response like “it must be great being perfect” but that would make me no better than them. I guess it’s time to find a new job, but then again, there will only be another waiting at the next…


Time wasters?

As unprofessional as it gets. Of course there's no mention of wages on the ad.


EX employer shorted me!

Sin Number was in the screenshots so there not posted however I do have documentation of everything except the amount of pay.


Looking for job search advice

Let me preface this by saying that I am primarily looking for others experiences who have left a job to search for another in the last year. A while back I was illegally placed on unpaid leave by a company who was trying to push me to quit, and I'm still “employed” but receive no income or have any working hours. I've been applying for work, primarily in recruiting since it has been an aspect of my last several positions and despite getting to the last round of multiple interviews. I've now gone almost half a year without getting a a formal offer. I'm starting to wonder if this is typical for the job market, or if there's something I'm doing to shoot myself in the foot in these applications. I practice interview questions beforehand, create a list of 5+ questions to ask the interviewers, do a review of the…


And now not allowed to have a lunch break.

It was bad enough that for almost a month we’ve have tech issues. The abuse made it even worse. Now I get to work through my lunches- almost 12 hours straight without a break surely is a dream. I hate it here. Corporate greed at its finest.


Fuck HR

I’m sick of being gate kept from jobs that I am more than qualified. A BA in Sociology determines whether I get to talk to someone who actually knows what the fuck they’re talking about. I’ve been out of work for a year due to some circumstances and I guess they want me to start all over at the bottoms? Two degrees and 5 years work experience. Fuck recruiters. Then the positions are still always open too! Crazy world we live in


Why must they torture me???

I’m in an online training session for a new CRM. The last 20 minutes has been about how to bookmark the system. The last 5 chat comments have been what the people have named their bookmark. You could never pay me enough to be paying attention in this training.


AT&T to Reduce Office Locations, Call Managers Back to Office


Was I Fired or Did I Quit?

Just curious for unemployment reasons. Basically, I had an agreement with my boss. He tried to change it, I refused, and now he’s asking me to return all of my work equipment. He keeps trying to phrase it as “well, it was your decision”, “we’re sorry to see you go” because I think he’s trying to imply that I’m the one at fault for the separation. I certainly feel like he fired me, but since he’s refusing to say “you’re fired” I’m wondering if there’s some ambiguity there that the unemployment agency would take his side on.


It also ends when someone flips the board.

​ Go directly to jail, do not pass Go.