Author: Olivia
Thousands of you anti work, yet still in the same job you are. You have to quit and rely on in-house farming if you are anti work truly.
Pay vs. Peace of mind?
So, I just started a new job a few months ago with very good pay for entry level work, at least for a single man. It's a very relaxed 2nd shift job with minimal supervision and a tiny crew. The problem i, like it usually is, is interpersonal. We got one person with at least one personality disorder, whi tries their damndest to get away with murder,above and beyond the liberties we all take due to the lack of supervision. And speaking of supervision, we got a new supervisor, who appears eager to enable this behavior, having been successfully sucked up to by this other person. Another new person seems to be starting to display a superiority complex, which wouldn't bother me, but it's looking like they have an agenda that might impact my growth in the company. And our main supervisor seems reluctant to do anything about any interpersonal…
Contribution required?
Hello all. I just want some quick advice, please don't share this anywhere else I am in the middle of a small situation with HR at my present company. I have had about 4 incidents with her so far including payroll and tax issues, as well issue that I would classify as technically (disability) discrimination but I don't want to go down that road of pursing action at this time.. I mainly just want to know if what I am being told is correct… I would copy and paste straight from the email if it wasn't against company policy but The short of it is that I signed up for a child care savings account through my employer and started making contributions in February. The card ended up being lost in the mail and while I was waiting for it to arrive. I was able to stack up quite a…
Work is basically….
getting paid to think about your life all day while you do some bullshit. Yea I'm doing your tasks but really my mind is organizing my life. Dont mind if i do get paid to plan my wifes birthday in my head. They're also paying me to try out new music I've never listened to. They just give you little responsibilities so you don't get bored.
This company is awful!
Car dealership I work at was bought by another dealership. They kept (hired) everyone but refused to tell us our new pay structure including performance bonuses while expecting us to work 40+ hours and try to sell. I told the new owner I refused to work until I was given my pay plan. He refused at first, until I said “I don’t believe that is legal. I will return to work when I know my pay plan.” He gave me my pay plan on that day shortly after, but when I said that his demeanor shifted and he never treated me the same way after. I was the only employee willing to stand up to him on this, everyone else was willing to work as many hours as he demanded without knowing their new pay plan. He seemed to know what he was doing was illegal when I confronted him.…