
the biggest heist of all time is happening right under our noses


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Why Republicans Hate It When Poor People Have Food to Eat


Top Management Jobs Shouldn’t Be Hospice For Adult Toddlers

I work at a large professional services firm; we do things like accounting, US taxes, international taxes, asset valuations etc, and our clients are large corporations who need to prepare various reports and filings about those things. Our advice has enormous impact on how businesses operate and run. While I've seen it personally where I work, its really no different at any of our competitors either. That is why I find it terrifying and endlessly aggravating that these decisions seem to be in the hands of extremely immature old men who (i) could have retired years ago but instead are (ii) workaholics to avoid confronting some kind of enormous personal issue – locking out other people from advancing their careers and just generally raining bullshit down on everyone under them. The top leadership here is people who are already wealthy enough to live comfortably the rest of their lives without…


Weeks in succession..

Until I die, and no control over how I spend my time… Work work work, work all day. Don’t be sad, you might get a raise in May.


My boss keeps giving me her own work

I’ve been at this job for a while. In November of last year I was told I was being promoted. I have still not seen any paperwork for this, and my title and pay have not changed. What HAS changed is my workload. The number of accounts I manage has doubled, and my boss has started blatantly giving her own assignments (for a TOTALLY different role) to me. I’m in the process of interviewing for another position and applying for a million more, but I feel like I’m taking crazy pills and I don’t know how much longer I can take it


Personal leave request denied?

I’ve been with X company for 2 & 1/2 years and have had zero issues at all, absolutely love this place! However i need to be absent in July for a whole week. I put this request in about last week which is PLENTY of time as our company policy says they need a 3 week notice. It used to be 2. My request was denied because two people already have a vacation scheduled for that whole week that was made in January? I don’t see how this is fair, its not a PTO request and i will not be able to come into work the 7 days i notified my manager of. They asked me to take the previous week off however i stated there is no flexibility in changing my absent dates. I have never been late, always on time and i rarely ever take time off, this…


Feeling so much rage

Working at my third job, and I'm only in my late 20s and I'm just so fucking done with the corporate world. Each job I've worked at, I get praised continuously for my work ethic, my speed and diligence. I fucking crush it. But each job slowly starts showing its true rotten colors by starting to ask me to do more than my job description like idiotic admin tasks and trying to show that we're this tight knit community. They espouse that so much drivel on how we need to give them more for their company to succeed yet there is no speak about bonuses or raises when our hard work is what keeps the whole stupid thing going. The people who suck up end up getting the praise even though they don't provide quality work which is absolute bullshit. And because I'm introverted and just want to keep my…


What’s the advantage for the company to give everyone temporary unemployment?

Department is going to be down the last half of May and they are pushing giving us the option to apply for unemployment benefits for those 2 weeks but seem to be pushing extra hard. I know it has to be to their benefit I just don't know what it is. Thanks.


need help to coming up with a politely decline to “bonding” with managers outside of work

there has been conflict at my work lately (between my coworker and a manager) and management's solution to this is that we all need to spend more time together and they would like up to go out regularly for dinner, activities, etc (outside of our regular schedules). my coworker and i could not think of anything we would like to do less. we are are looking for help to form a polite response, pretty much telling them “fuck no”. they have not offered to pay us overtime for this, but in the case we did go out with them, i would mark it on my time sheet.