Author: Olivia
Blanck & Harris day?
Next Saturday (March 25th) will mark the 112th anniversary of the Triangle Shirt Factory fire. Let's not forget.
Free letters of resignation!
Micro management
I was contacted by a private school in Bavaria asking if I was interested in a job with them. I said yes and had a great first interview online — she told me towards the end that she had a very positive impression of me and wanted to meet me as soon as possible for an on-site interview. I agreed and we finished the call with a promise to arrange the second interview via email. When I asked about travel arrangements (I don't live in Bavaria, I don't even live in Germany), they said sorry, I would have to pay my own train ticket and my own hotel room and that the interview had to be during the week. When I told them that would cost me at least €700, and that I was instead happy to have a second interview online if they wouldn't cover travel costs, there was…
We make an average of 2,500 a day. And we keep ending weeks with 17,000 which is pretty good because we're a coffee shop that is in a plaza that doesn't have a drive-thru. Other drive-thru stores in our district will get like 3000 in sales a day on drive-through. They keep giving us only three people a day. And then be able to deep clean everything. And also, make sure that we're doing our job correctly while not having enough staff to actually do that. I'm getting very tired of it and we're all getting burnt out. But asked if we could have more hours. They tell us ” we need to get more sales because that's what gives us hours unquote but we are understaffed even when we do get a good sales Anything we can do to get more staff? We have the staff, ppl r begging…