
How I’m going to reply to every job offer I get that I don’t want going forward


I just received this email after an interview today. Is this company asking for $700? Or am I reading this wrong?


This McDonald’s thinks their starting wage is enticing in 2023. Louisiana.


This sums up most of us here.


After a successful job interview I updated my resume references thinking it would help land this dream job. Got a call saying they’d love to have me onboard after calling references. They called back saying the first reference went terribly and was told do be careful who I use next time. FML.


Lil antiwar anthem

I felt this in my soul.


Seattle City Council offers 1% Cost of Living Adjustment to City Workers


HR emailing me to my work email about unpaid medical bills.

I work for a hospital, and I’m also patient of the same hospital however I have never gave my work email to be contacted about personal medical or bills stuffs, I have it set up for my personal email. Last year they added this “benefit” for all patients , was a third party the hospital hire to deal with billing, wellll they were awful, and they aren’t longer a benefit I never paid anything to them because I was upset they gave my information to this new company I didn’t know who they were plus they didn’t have my insurance right, I didn’t even went to the doctor last year so I shouldn’t had any balance, yesterday I got an email from HR about my unpaid balance with the third party I was so upset because why I was contacted by my own employer HR about a personal medical bill…


I lied on a job application today.

I was applying for a job and these were some of the things they asked -required me to confirm that I believe in a list of religious beliefs -the name of the church I attend regularly -how long I've attended that church -description of my involvement at said church -state anything I may have done that would go against their beliefs They never specifically asked me if I was religious or which religion I identify as, but the questions were obviously written to get that answer. For context, the role I was applying to was a software development role, so the job wouldn't require me to do any religious activities. For even more context, its a company who's parent company is a pretty large church. Technically, I think this gives them exception in the US to ask these questions, but also I am not legally required to tell the truth…


Slate: More district attorneys are cracking down on abusive employers.