
Question: my company gives us 4hrs a month of sick time. If we don’t have any we are forced to use our vacation time (but you can’t use sick time for vacation) and they won’t let us take unpaid time off. We have to exhaust all pto and sick time. Is this normal?


Ahh, to work in 2023.


Score meeting 10/10 or we have it again

Rant because I'm just so frustrated. My work has this obsession with meetings. Instead of calling, or emailing, or doing a quick message, if management sniffs out there's a small issue, we gotta have a meeting about it. And since the issue on hand kinda involves another department (if you squint) we gotta have them in the meeting ALL OF THEM, oh, and it might pertain to a whole separate department, too, so better bring them, ALL OF THEM. This means we will have multiple meetings a week with 15-30 people, all sitting there with nothing to share, because one person in Accounting isn't getting a single monthly invoice scanned over from the receptionist at another facility. This could've been a simple email, but now we all have to bear witness to this. And we all have to be called on, individually, to add our input to the situation. When…


Why do people like Elon Musk? Idk much about him, but seems like there isn’t much to like unless you’re rich?


Am I an asshole for saying no to my coworkers all the time?

I’m working a short time at this job and come in everyday for my shift on time and ready to go. Granted— it is part-time and I only really work a maximum of three times a week but as a senior in high school and dealing with my own mental problems it’s alot for me to deal with. Recently, three new underclass men joined our ranks and I was expecting them to work with me. They all get the same amount of shifts as I do and are expected to only work two hours a night when scheduled. However, ever since they arrived I was received nonstop texts and calls almost every night to take their shifts. At first, I said yes because I wanted the money and didn’t mind going in, but now it’s driving me up the wall. Starting two weeks ago, I now refuse to take their…


Ron DeSantis Said Google Should Be Broken Up The probable presidential candidate said Big Tech was worse than Gilded Age monopolies


Time for blunt honesty

I don't even know if this is the right thread, but I need to rant, so here I go. I'm sick of the, “tell us why you wanna work here,” question on applications. So sick, in fact, that I'm done with it. Here's my answer, copy-pasta'd into every application now. “I want to work for your company because it offers compensation for services rendered and has an environment I find tolerable. I have no strong feelings either way for the company itself, and anything I might say to indicate otherwise is a lie designed to curry favor. I believe that a good portion of the reason why there is so much “trimmable fat” in every industry is because hiring managers put too much weight behind the question of “why do you want to work here,” and prioritize corporate sycophants over seasoned professionals. I prioritize being amazing at my job and…


So how do ya’ll make money?

I've been trying to find a way to make money without a traditional job, but haven't quite figured out yet. If anyone has some tips, that would be greatly appreciated.


Ricky ain’t about “free labor” neither should you!

Boss wants Ricky to work more, Ricky says pay more! 🤣


“We’re looking for someone desperate”

​ “We can't offer you a livable wage”