
It’s “Anonymous” survey time again at my job. Do companies think they are actually going to get honest answers from an electronic survey that may or may not actually be anonymous?

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I love the work I do and the pay is decent but there are definitely aspects I hate. Like being sent to a home with a smoker or one with dogs. Both things explicitly outlined in my profile as excluded. But they actually think I'm going to say any of that to them? No freaking way. Like what's the point when they must know none going to risk thier jobs to complain on something that logs your ip address your location your age and race and gender.


The job market sucks

Is it just me that thinks this? Like you can literally apply to so many jobs and they are flooded with applicants. Also most of them are either part time or not paying enough for people to survive. What are we supposed to do lol like just suffer under capitalism with no benefits lmao. I've been trying to find a job for weeks now with no luck at all. What will it give for a change in the world to happen.


The last day of my two week notice is Friday. Two days from now. And my boss wants me to have today be my last day. I feel like something shady is going on but I can’t tell what it is.

I work at a drug treatment center in Minnesota and my last day was going to be the 10th. Today is 8 March. My daughter is home sick today so I’m having to work from home. My supervisor calls me and tells me I can bring in my key badge and key fob and clean up my office today. I said that doesn’t really work for me because I have a sick child at home. She said we really need it today.



Are there any online petitions re: FTC vote for non competes? How to have our voice heard? Thanks!


Had to put my foot down today

I have two part time jobs. Because one of them really lagged on actually getting me on the schedule I found a second one that pays a little more but has set weekend hours. I had to adjust the availability with the first place to accommodate. They weren’t too happy. First place sent out a request for who needs to have certain trainings, set the weekend for my birthday weekend. I said I could go, but that was last month they did that. I never heard another word until today when they suddenly needed a sign up for everyone that day. I had to tell them I couldn’t do it because I made other plans. If you mention something and then don’t even bring it up for another month, I’m going to assume it’s not happening. And if you’re trying to schedule last minute, that’s kind of a you problem.…


Annual Work Stoppages involving 1,000 or more workers, 1947-2021


I work here. Small business. CEO drives a Porsche, but cannot pay a decent salary.


Simultaneously threatening and hysterical sign from my first job (donut shop)


TIL that “during the war, there were 14,471 strikes (involving almost seven million workers), more than in any comparable period.” This included 773 strikes in Ford plants between 1941 and 1945, “an average of almost one action every other day.” (D. Noble, “Forces of Production,” p. 22-3)


Questions on Job applications

Does anyone ever…feel that some of these questions shouldn't matter in the least? Like for example, there's a company I've applied for several times when postings come up(It's a really really hard, unionized place to get into)…and they ask if you're a member of a visible minority, have a visible disability, and finally…your gender. ​ Why ask those questions? Are they afraid of blowback if they don't hire a person of an ethnic minority? If they don't hire a woman over a man? Or is the it the other way, are they trying to fill a “quota” which I hope to god doesn't exist in this day in age. What does it matter? If the person is qualified, they're qualified.