
1.4% of American workers make minimum wage (1.1M/76.1M) and the majority are under 18. Why is it the go-to topic of conversation for why everyone is broke?


About $12 Million For Americans Probably.


For those of you that play card games, consider other places to buy cards


they had the fucking nerve to put this in a email


Doubt Any Paid A Living Wage Now.


If you interview me and then email me the very next day that the position has been filled by an internal employee

Fuck you. This is the second time this has happened. Fuck you for wasting my time because you already knew who you were going to hire but for whatever reason you had to interview other people and waste my time.


Boycott any and all circle k gas stations!

So I don't know if anyone has noticed that circle k is buying any and all gas stations, at least where I live, and I've been in a few and they were unbearably hot! Like drinks in the fridge are getting warm hot. At first I thought it was just the one near my home that I used to go to all the time back when it was a Chevron but after going into a few others, I was actually just in one a few moments ago, and I made a comment about all the stores being way to hot and the associate told me it was because corporate sets all thermostats to 80 plus degrees to “save money” while their chocolate products are melting and their drinks are going warm. Now unfortunately I live in the south so it gets pretty damn hot especially at night so when I…


SO demoted from Teacher to Sub

My SO works at a charter school in southern California, I will be masking details to hide this school's identity as there is a lot going on there and the person in charge(PIC) is not above retaliation. It is an absolute shitshow to the point that there is a faction of people working together to have the admin removed by the board ASAP. The PIC is toxic, inept, a terrible communicator, and unqualified to run a school. Recently this PIC has fired a few teachers, telling them that they are “terrible at their jobs” and “to find a new profession.” Now, my SO has found themselves under the crosshair of the PIC. As the title says, SO has been informed that they will not be teaching the class that they have been teaching all school year and instead will be the in-house sub(with no loss of pay). The PIC has…


Thoughts on this


Coworker called out boss after comments about his race. What are your thoughts?

So a few days ago a coworker was telling me how another one of our colleagues was disrespectful to our boss and called him something along the lines of being white (I don't want to be too specific). Today my coworker told me the full story. Our boss tends to make comments about our race and tries to be funny and speaks to us in our language. I don't mind it too much, but he has a tendency to do that and honestly he can be disrespectful at times. That day he was making a few comments about my coworker working together with someone because they're from the same ethnicity/race. My coworker told him he was being “white” (an insult similar to that). My boss told him to mind his language because he is still his boss and my coworker told him that if he's going to make jokes about…