
We apparently have “defense” boutiques now. Found on my journey to find a non-military drone related job.


If your justification for poverty wages is “they agreed to it”, then you can’t complain when they stop agreeing to it.


I was an event server yesterday & the event organizers spent 150k on their sons bar mitzvah (asked for the sons permission to post)


When I think of my current economic opportunities, my mind starts to visualize haunted houses from amusement parks and tourist sites. Ghosts that appear from nowhere, strange laughing sounds from a dark room, and eerie lighting that highlights shapes that suddenly become something entirely different


Automate CEOs with AI? CEOs are paid the equivalent of 399 median workers…


One study said happiness peaked at $75,000 in income. Now, economists say it’s higher — by a lot.


George Matthews, Johnny Rust, John Surles, Fulsom Mccutchen, Albert Robinson, Morris Mcconnell are Cutters in the Seacoast Canning Co., factory #7. Eastport, Maine, 1911. photo by Lewis Wickes Hine [3000 x 2159]


Honest Abe


Am I being taken advantage of? How do I fix it?

I train dogs at a mom and pop boarding/grooming business . I was hired ~2.5 years ago on the condition that I be accepted into an estimable certification course, which I paid for and passed. The certification is one of three of the top qualification programs in the USA. I was hired on 60% commission, which is what I still earn to this day. I have talked raise with my boss twice since finishing my certification course and each time it's been “let me do some math and get back with you” but she never follows up. I was also talking with a trainer friend about how Im worried I can't afford my continuing education credits to be able to keep my certification and she was confused about why my boss doesn't pay for them. Tbf I've never asked if she would. I make a lot of money when Im…


Child exploitation…

I’m not sure if this belongs on anti-work. To me it seems like it does. Recently, I read the Girl Scouts of America. Their entire revenue is from the sale of Girl Scout cookies. I was a Brownie as a child. I didn’t even last through one season because of the anxiety I felt over having to sell all these cookies. I was a shy kid, so going door-to-door and asking people to buy cookies was very difficult, and after a while I gave up and left the brownies. I really didn’t think much about Girl Scouts for the last 30 years and then I read this article how their entire revenue is based on the sale of those cookies…. So in my opinion, every single person that works for Girl Scouts is being paid by free child labor. This is going on since the beginning of Girl Scouts. Am…